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Eden Hills Friday's Hunt v1.10

It's time to get back into the swing of participating in Teresa's Friday photo hunt meme at her blog, Eden Hills. This week the hunt was for photos interpreting the letter J, week's favorite, and a cuppa.

A Cuppa Joe
I drank a sweet, amazing cup of mocha this afternoon, the first taste of coffee in more than three weeks. As I sipped my personality quickly changed to big smiles, floating contentment, and yakity-yak. Ahhhhhhh.

If some of you are wondering, I'm still on my No-this, No-that food program. After 16 days, I'm  allowing myself a treat now and then. So, while we were doing our Saturday errands, the Husband and I stopped at our favorite cafe, Vertigo Coffee, in San Juan Bautista. The above photo isn't of today's wonderful creations by Ryan, but of the amazing mocha's that we had on my birthday in December. If you're ever in San Juan Bautista or passing through the area, check out Vertigo Coffee. The cafe also serves delicious artisanal sandwiches and pizzas.

My Week's Favorite

I took this photo a couple weeks ago at twilight, while the Husband was driving us home. I trashed its jpg two weeks ago, too. The other day, while looking for a computer file I inadvertently trashed, I came across the image and thought, will gee, that looks kinda cool. So I pulled it out of the trashcan and played with it in Photoshop until I got what you see.

If you've visited my other blog, Take 25 to Hollister yesterday, you may have seen it already. That's how much I like this photo. :-)

That's it for me.  Now, go check out the other participants in the Eden Hills Friday's Hunt. If you'd like to participate this week, you have until tomorrow evening to enter.


  1. Very fancy coffees. This photo looks spooky, like an alien is visiting

    1. If I could drink them everyday, I would. Vertigo's mocha drink is so rich and luscious. I want to try it as an ice drink this summer.

  2. I love what you did in photoshop (the result, that is) - mysterious!
    Susie, am inviting me to my new meme Seasons - open from Mon - Wed. 7 pm Pacific Time)- anything goes, so you can even grab from your archives:)Hope to see you there:)

    1. Thanks, Jeannette. I took a photo this morning with your meme in mind. :-)

  3. Haha, typo! I am inviting you...

  4. That coffee looks amazing!

  5. The patterns on the coffee are so nice it's a shame to spoil them by drinking it.

    Love the photo, it's very abstract and colourful :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. The photo has become one of my favorites. The colors are what I especially like about it.

  6. I can never figure out how they make those great designs in coffee. Very cool. I am so glad you saved that image from the trash. After your editing, it looks like a gorgeous abstract painting! Thanks so much for joining Friday's Hunt this week.

    1. The baristas who do the designs are artists. One of the Vertigo guys has come in first and second in a few contests.

      I appreciate your comment about the photo, Teresa. It has become one of my favorites.

  7. I like your cuppa and man is your trash great or what

    1. Who knows what other grand photos I've let go. :-)

  8. Hi Susie ~~ Those cups are pretty. But like you, mine don't turn out exactly like that. When I make Capacino in our Kuerig machine it generally has a flowers design. The one I made for the Friday Hunt didn't have much of anything.
    Your driving picture; you could have told me it was driving in the fog and I'd have believed you. I remember coming from Anaheim going up I-5 and over to Fesno, the fog was so think we had to stay close to the car ahead or it was trouble. Bad too, traffic had us going 85+ mph.

    1. Oh yes, at night too, after New Years Day.

    2. My palms are sweating just thinking about the conditions you drove in. I don't like driving through that thick fog in the day time.

  9. Those fluffy coffees are almost too pretty to drink ... almost. :)

    1. Their prettiness is what makes them even more yummy to drink. I wanted another one this afternoon when I was making instant coffee for the Mama.

  10. You went without COFFEE for Three Weeks???
    You Are A Master!!!!! Color me impressed.

    I am always impressed by coffee art . . .
    love & love, -g-

    1. Actually, I've been off daily coffee for about 3 years. My brain and taste buds miss it. Every few weeks I treat myself to a coffee high.

  11. Good morning, I could not go weeks without my coffee. I love Mocha, YUM! The Barista's artwork is pretty. The second shot is cool. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. If I'm recalling correctly the barista who did these mochas does quite well in coffee art competitions.

  12. The coffee looks delicious ! real art work ! Your favorite picture is real modern art !

  13. I could not live without drinking coffee every day! I was happy to hear recently that it is actually good for health.

    Very cool photo--it reminds me of the view during a heavy rainstorm

    1. Good for health...hmmm. maybe if I didn't take coffee black, my body could handle it better. I wonder.

      Glad you like my photo. Thanks, Pat. :-)


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