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A is for abandoned.

And, that's all this gal shall be writing for the 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Life has taken a critical turn that disallows (such a word?) me to participate in this year's blogging challenge.

Best wishes to all participants.

To see the list of bloggers, click here.


  1. Susie,

    I'm sorry to hear the Mama has rounded the last bend of her life's journey. She has given so much pleasure to us by letting you share her stories. You and the Mama are in my thoughts. Sending you love and prayers. xx

    1. Hello Sue Elvis! I was wondering about you the other week. Glad to "see" you. Thanks for your well wishes. The Mama continues to amaze me as we go through her last adventure.

  2. Sending Love. Pretending i could be present - in case there was some little thing . . sigh, I'm far . . . my heart however - is not . .

  3. This is a tough time for you and your husband. You have given so much to your mom and both of you have been and are the main caregivers to her and she k owns this. I am thinking of all and send my prayers

  4. May all four of you ('cos Molly's family too) have time for all your tears and smiles.

  5. Oh I am sorry to hear about your mom. I wish you were able to participate in the challenge because I know you enjoy it.

  6. So sorry to hear sad news. Hugs for you and your family.

  7. thinking of you . . love & love, -g-

  8. Sending positive thoughts and prayers! :)

  9. Hi Susie,
    Hope all is well with you all, Just a bit confused about your dear Mama's well being, I do hope she's Ok.
    my thoughts are with you
    love Di xx

  10. Dear Susie, I realise now what has happened, I didn't read the other comments, else I would have understood that your dear Mama had passed away.
    My thoughts are with you, your husband and Molly the cat.
    RIP Dear Mama.
    Di xx


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