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Feeling Grateful

Hello Dear Friends!

All in all I had a great reading trip, going back and forth in time and traveling all around the world without leaving home. I didn't realize I'd be away this long from the blog. I actually feel mentally stiff trying to string words together.

We are doing fine, thank you all for asking.  As we head into spring, we are going outside more each day. Now and then the Mama goes out to play in her garden. I love those days.

Life is kind and gracious. S'wonderful!

It's the letter G on ABC Wednesday with Roger, Melody, Di, and other ABCW team members. Whooo-hooo! Click here to join in or to read other G posts.


  1. I'm glad to see you again! I'm also glad to read that life is kind and gracious. It shouldn't be any other way!!

    1. Hello, hello, Pondside. As Monty Python sang in "THe Life of Brian," I am doing my best to "Always look at the bright side of life." :-)

  2. How lovely that she still has the desire to take care of the garden.

    1. This is the first winter that the Mama hasn't been able to get out there as much as she wants. I'm glad though that the Mama continues to think about what she wants to grow.

    2. And the plants continue to grow because she thinks of them. :)

  3. How indearing this is... lovely photo!

    Have a nice ABC-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

    1. Thanks, Melody. This was the second time that the Mama went out on her own in 5 months. I ran for the camera to mark the moment. :-)

  4. Glad to hear things are looking better for you all...

  5. Oh and her I was worried but so glad you lost yourself in reading and your mom in the garden. Nice to see you back

    1. Well, there were and continue to be worrisome days. Nights, especially. I think of days now as good ones and better ones. Taking time to run away in books a few hours a day was good for me.

      Birgit, your kind words the other day gave me the needed incentive to take a deep breath and write. Thank you!

    2. You are very welcome. it is always difficult but you must find ways to keep your own self healthy in whatever way will give you that strength. glad to see you here:)

  6. Good to see you back. A lovely frame for the week.
    Happy ABCW!

  7. Haven't "seen" you for some time. Hope you're okay dear lady!

    1. Hi, Jeannette. I'm doing well, thank you much. :-)

  8. Glad you're back and The Mama is safely ensconced in her garden
    enjoying the sunshine... no sign of the pussie cat though?
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

    1. Thanks, Di. Molly the Cat is glad to see and feel the sunshine more each day outside. :-)

  9. Great to see your mum working in the garden.She must be a great lady and still very strong.
    Have a great weekend,
    Wil, ABCW Team

    1. Yup, Wil, the Mama is a grand lady indeed. Her physical body has slown down much in the past few months, but she's not letting that keep her down. Thank goodness.

  10. It is so nice to have you back from your respite and to see you mom working in the garden. Sweet shot of your mum.

    1. Thanks, Genie. I'm happy to be back. For awhile there, I didn't think I wanted to write anymore period. Glad that didn't last. Blogging keeps me sharp.

  11. We've had three sunny days in a row here! I think it might be a record! We went out into the garden (slogged through the mud) and Spring was definitely in the air.

    So glad to hear you are all enjoying the sun too.:)

    1. Some days the temps got up to the high 70s/low 80s, but then the temps went down to the 40s/50s at night. If it doesn't rain soon, and for a long while, we'll have another year of drought.

  12. Your mama looks so content in her garden. That is a sweet photo. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am so happy I was able to stop by to visit.

    1. Thanks, Anne. I managed to snap this before the Mama saw me. She and Molly the Cat sigh when they see me and the camera.

  13. Such a lovely photo this is!
    Cheers, Srivi - ABCW


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