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Taking a Break

Until later. . .


  1. See you later, alligator. Enjoy your break.

  2. Brilliant idea . . . I'm behind in my reading as well . . .hmmmmm

  3. Hi Susie, enjoy your reading but do hurry back, you are missed !
    Hope you are all well,
    love Dixx

  4. I hope you are ok because I thought you may be gone for only a week or so. I hope your mom is ok. You have been on my mind and I send you happy thoughts

    1. Hello sweet Birgit! We're all doing fine as can be, thanks for asking. Your happy thoughts warm me up. If I don't talk myself out if, I may be doing a post today. We shall see. :-)

  5. I had to take myself away from everything for a few days to catch up on some reading. Too many fun things to do and not enough time each day. Love this sweet post. Hugs, Anne


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