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Did you ever see the movie Up, the animated movie about the old man who ran away by tying balloons to his house and flew to a waterfall in South America? He and his companion, a stowaway Cub Scout, met a mechanical dog by the waterfall. The very intelligent speaking dog got sidetracked every so often by squirrels and when he thought he saw one, he'd suddenly turn and say, "Squirrel!" Well, that's me. 


  1. I say hallo from

  2. Cute squirrel, I do remember seeing the movie UP. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

    1. He was a handsome guy full of vim and vigor. I was fortunate to catch him. Enjoy yours, too, Eileen. :-)

  3. That's a fat one. You feed your squirrels better than I feed
    mine. Well not exactly true. They just help themselves to the
    chicken feed here.
    Sounds like a delightful little story or movie, I mean.

    1. The squirrel lives on a hill in town that the homeless hang out on. There's also a park with a neat playground and a community garden at the top So the squirrel must have sweet pickings. I think you'd like "Up", Manzi.

  4. No, I didn't see that movie, but will look for it on Netflix. It sounds just weird enough to entertain both of us here.

  5. I miss seeing squirrels outside, which is one of the perks of living in the mountains.

    1. The past few months, a squirrel has visited our backyard. For the persimmons, I think. They're gone now. I'm thinking of tossing a few nuts in the backyard for the squirrel to find.

  6. It's always fun to see a squirrel!

  7. Mrs Widds and I regularly do the, "Skwerl!!!" thing ... such fun. :)

  8. I still have to see this movie, believe it or not!. On my hubby's coat of arms, he doesn't have the lion or Ostrich feathers but he has the mighty squirrel:)

    1. That's great! I love that squirrels rate on a coat of arms. I think you might like Up, Birgit. It has everything: adventure, love story, friendship, laughter, joy, sadness, beauty.

  9. OK...First I misspell Austen and now I really think this looks like a monkey. And I have brand new glasses on. Thought I was seeing really well, but guess not. Loved the story.

    1. Hmmm, if I look a certain way I can see how the squirrel could pass for a monkey.


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