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Pretty Pink Daisies

I love these pretty pink daisies of the Mama's. They're so hearty. They've made it through the frosty mornings and now they're bouncing happily under the steady rain we're having. 

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  1. They are proud and pretty! And stand up!
    Herzlich Pippa

    1. They've been calling out to me to take their picture for the past several days.

  2. It's soooo fridgid cold here - your flowers are truly a "pick-me-up" . . and, YES!! The song you were singing through Vallejo - is the exact same one . . "Joy, joy, joy, joy . . deep/down in my heart" - Oh!! while I'm typing, the very first snow flakes have drifted past my window . . my puppy is going to be so happy . . love to you! -g-

    1. I can still see where I started singing that song as we were driving north. I have no idea how I came to know it. Then or now. :-)

  3. Gosh! These are pretty and such a nice picture you made. We have very cold temps-tonight down to -15C...which is 5F

    1. The daisies and I thanketh thee, Madame. 5 degrees, brrrr. That is quite foreign to us.

  4. How can something so pretty and dainty be so hardy?!

    1. And, I think they are humble. No bragging, them.

  5. The daisies look like the asters. In fact I do think they are related. I love the fall asters
    and mine still bloomed when they were covered with snow. But a pretty little plant
    can take only SO much and finally succums to freezing temps here in this forsaken wasteland.
    But it's not as forsaken and wastey as the Dakotas, where I grew up, where it's flat, flat, flat
    and the wind blows and blows, pushing freezing temps down even further. Soooo, I've come up a few notches from my birth place. nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Enjoy Wednesday

    1. I recall seeing the Badlands and feeling happy that I didn't live there. I wonder if millions of years from now the rock would have eroded into rich topsoil with fields of flowers blowing in the wind.

  6. Daisies are at the top of my 'plant-'em-and'forget-'em' list of indistructable flowers. Lovely picture

    1. Thank you. I hardly see white daisies, which was all I saw as a kid. Guess what I want to grow.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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