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Another Pruning Job

This afternoon the Husband and I pruned the Miracle Tree. Saw-saw-swear-saw. Clip-swear-clip-clip. We were three branches away from finishing when Only and Older Bionic Brother surprised us with a visit. Whooo-hooo! He came out to watch us complete our job and that brought out the Mama. The first time she set foot in the backyard since October. Whooo-hooo! 

Thankfully, it was a warm day. The Mama's eyes were good from afar. She couldn't resist. "Cut that branch." "And, that branch." I was perched on the ladder at a weird angle so it took me awhile to find "And, that branch." The Brother's eyes for pruning were still good. "You want to cut that one so it doesn't grow towards the house."

Only and older Brother stayed the afternoon. Hurrah! That also meant the Husband and I didn't have to deal with the yucky part of the pruning job—snipping, cutting, and bagging the branches, leaves, and seed pods—until tomorrow. That's okay. It was great seeing Only and Older Brother.


  1. Whew, lots of cleanup tomorrow. Glad Mama came out!!!

  2. seems, you live in a very fruity-growing area!
    lot of work already done! P.

    1. Yup. Agriculture is the #1 industry in our county.

  3. WOW how'd you get that pruned way up at that top. You must have used your hovercraft. lol
    You are a brave woman. My big tree is kaput but I have bushes, bushes, galore and many small trees. At least I don't have to get out my hovercraft.

    1. hahahaha. The Husband and I hung upside down on our hovercraft. We each took turns. Saw-saw-saw-saw. The Husband doesn't care too much going up on the ladder, but I love it. (I am after all the Mama's daughter.) At one point he held the ladder while I was sawing. "I'm going up 2 more steps," I said. "No," he said. "You're already at the second step from the top." haha

    2. Hahahaha That is so funny. I can imagine you balancing on the top rung, frantically sawing away like some of the stunts of the old airplane wing-walkers of the 20's.
      Good job, Susie.

    3. Wait a minute. That's the name of your blog. Jokes on me, right?

    4. hahahaha. On me, too. I forgot the blog's title. When the Husband gets on the ladder, I imagine something like that happening to him. It's good he's tall and doesn't need to go high on the ladder.

  4. The winter gardening chore du jour!

    1. The next one is pruning the apricots. The Mama has already given me instructions on what to do. Knock on wood, we get fruit this year.

  5. That is a huge job! I am happy your mama came out to supervise and that your saw your brother-family is always nice

    1. It would take the Only and Older Brother to get her to come out. Thankfully, it was a warm day. The Brother surprised us. He got a new phone, he said, and lost all his phone #s and email addresses.

  6. All I can say is more power to you and an big UGH!!!!! The mess afterwards is worse than the pruning. I am lazy and get one of my former students and one of my son’s best friends thru the years to do it for me....but we have to clean up all the mess. Great shot. They really get the point across.

    1. Gosh, yes, cleaning up after anything (even cooking) is the worse. Still, it's worth it.


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