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Jade Plants and a Rose

I didn't notice the good-luck jade plants growing next to the Mama's red rose bush by the patio until I started playing with this photo in Photoshop. Now, why did I think the jade plant in the front yard is the only one sporting white flowers? Silly me.

The red rose was what caught my eye the other morning when Molly the Cat and I went out to stalk a squirrel we saw tiptoeing along the fence. A bird distracted Molly from the squirrel. Not good hunters are we. Which is just as well. After all, what would we do with the squirrel had we caught it.  Fortunate squirrel.

From the Husband, the Mama, Molly the Cat, and Me, Su-sieee! Mac:   
Happy Holidays!


  1. Lovely photo and great effect! Merry Christmas!

  2. Gorgeous photo -
    Merry Christmas!
    love & love,

  3. The skwerl and bird were in cahoots!

    Merry Christmas to the Mama, the Husband, the Molly, and your wonderful Susieee Mac Self. :)

    1. Ha, ha, those critters must've. Thank you, Widders.

  4. People are already searching for Valentine's Day stuff, according to my blog analytics. The rose image would be perfect with that day in mind :).

    1. Hmmm, maybe I'll turn it into a card at Zazzle. Thanks, for the nudge, Sweetbearies.

  5. Hallo, hallo!
    Pippa is greeting you!

  6. Beautiful picture and the white flowers remind me of Edelweiss

    1. Thanks, Birgit. Next time I go out, I shall sing a verse of Edelweiss to the jade flowers.


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