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Day 83 with Tilda-Hilda: A Birthday Ride

My day 83 ride with Tilda-Hilda was yesterday. It was my birthday ride, from our house to my favorite coffee shop just over 13 miles away. Whoo-hoo!

Starting off!

We've done longer rides, but this is the first time I've ever pedaled Tilda-Hilda to San Juan Bautista, which I've been wanting to do for three years. I was hoping to accomplish my goal this past August, but my knees got all whiny and worrisome. For about four months, we mostly pedaled around our neighborhood and it wasn't until the end of November that I ventured out and about. Although I only worked up to a few miles per trip, I decided last week to simply do this ride on my birthday, if the weather is good (no rain nor thick fog) and my knees are in good order.

Looking back from whence we came: The highway we crossed at the end of the field.

I admit I was a bit scared leading to yesterday, although I have often driven the path I would be taking. I would be crossing a highway, which worried me even though there are traffic lights at the intersection. And, I'd be zig-zagging through San Juan valley, which can sometimes feel like it takes forever to cross by car.

An organic apple orchard

The Husband was worried, too. I heard it in his voice, even though he didn't say anything. I'm glad he didn't. No doubt, he probably had the same "What if's" going through his head. What if I got a flat tire? What if an idiot driver didn't see me? What if there's no reception for the cell phone? What if I hurt myself?. . . .

My last stop: This is where I called the Husband to let him know
I've only a few miles left to go.

Yesterday was beautiful morning for a ride. Bright and sunny. A bit on the chilly side, which I didn't realize until I was drinking my delicious mocha java. My feet were cold for a long while afterwards.

Cattle greeted me, as I passed them by in their fields. Mooo. So, did horses. Neighhhhh. Birds, too. Chirrppp. I did surprise a few birds off their perches along the road. Sorry.  And, drivers waved to me as I pedaled through the valley. Sweet.

Here we are! At Vertigo Coffee. Safe and sound.

It was a great ride and easier than I thought. Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled 13.28 miles in 77 minutes, not including the times we stopped so I could take photos. Pretty good for a new 62-year-old woman.

My birthday mocha java. Yummmm.

And, next time, I'll pedal back home. Maybe.  The Husband drove over to fetch Tilda-Hilda and me. Isn't he a very nice guy?

Going home.

Update: Blogger Petra-Pippa Koenig of Germany kindly invited me to join her linky party that she hosts on her blog, What Happened in Your Surrounding or Your Mind This Week? (That's an English translation.) Click here to check out the participants. Thanks, Pippa!

If I remember, I shall also link up with Warm Heart Wednesday, hosted by Jenny Matlock. Until then.



  1. Wow! 13 miles of pedaling! Bravo! And Happy Birthday to you ~ 'young lady'

    Wishing you the magic and love of the season,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Thank you, Carol and Artmusedog, (curtsying, I am.) :-)

  2. Hooray! A successful trip! Here's to "next time" :)

    What a wonderful post!
    No interest to link it to

    Greetings from Pippa

  4. Congratulations .... on acquiring a new age and for completing the ride that
    you wanted to do for 3 years. did it. You look adorable upon your
    completion. TH looks pretty satisfied too. lol

    1. Thanks, Manzi. I was pretty much bouncing around the cafe before I had my first sip. I already have new paths I want to travel around this county with Tilda-Hilda. Yes, you're right. She's quite satisfied with this feat, too. :-)

  5. I am reading this a day late but Happy Birthday! Congratulations on riding the whole way and for sharing this with us. I love the way your coffee looked like. Did you do this or your hubby?

    1. Thanks, Birgit. The barista made the designs. The young man is awesome, isn't he? He recently won a make-a-design on coffee competition. He makes a mean mocha java.

  6. Happy endorphins, eh? ... Bravo!!!!!!

    1. A week later, I still have a tiny bit going on. I need to get on Tilda-Hilda pretty soon to charge them up.


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