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Cutting-Hair Time

"This is scary," said the Husband, as he cut above a chunk of rubber-banded hair. "Oh-oh."

"Hearing you say 'Oh-oh' is scary," I said, keeping my head still. He had two more chunks of hair to cut off.

"I wish you'd go to a professional."

"Why should I, when I have you—Monsieur Dicky."

This morning I woke up with a decision. Several, actually, but those can keep for other posts. Maybe. This decision was to have the Husband cut my hair. He cut my hair earlier this year, and it turned out nicely. Unless people were simply being nice about my haircut. Doesn't matter.

I haven't taken a good look at the result yet. He says that the left side is shorter than the right. I told him we have a new style.

It's a hairstyle in progress. I cut myself bangs, but I may have cut them too short to be bangs. We'll know once I wash my hair. Yup, you heard right. I didn't wash my hair before having the Husband cut it. I wanted to see if really mattered. Muahahahahaha.


  1. Cute post, I have had my hubby trim my hair and I have numerous times cut my bangs. I am always putting off a trip to the hairdresser. Happy weekend to you!

    1. I'm happy to hear from another woman who trusts her husband to cut her hair. I think it rather fun. I cut the Husband's hair this afternoon.

  2. Replies
    1. I figure it if comes out truly horrible, I can have him shave my hair off. We've done it before.

    2. The only difference between a good haircut and a bad one is about six weeks. :)

    3. My hairdo looks like the Little Dutch Boy's. lol

  3. This is such fun. You have such a great attitude . . always makes me feel great, visiting you . . .
    and hey! with hair, there always seems to be another opportunity for "do-overs."

    Looking forward to reading about "decisions."
    love & love, -g-

    1. That must mean you have the same kind of attitude, G. You know the saying, takes one to know one. :-)

  4. You are brave! I would never have my hubby cut my hair. My hubby has beautiful black wavy hair which he cuts off in the summer so he looks almost bald-I call him prisoner 157. What does he use to cut his hair? The pet trimmer that we use to trim the hair off our one's cat's butt!

    1. Me, too, ROFL.

      The Husband has beautiful reddish brown wavy hair. He asked me to leave some of his hair when I cut it yesterday. First time for me. I think I did a good job. His hair still curls in the way and waves in the front. Ooh la la.

  5. You just have the best attitude around! A truly trusting soul. But that hubby has to give a good haircut in order for you to go back time and time again! My sister use to be a hairdresser in her younger days. I don't trust a lot of people, once a girl who spoke no English, but lots of Chinese cut into my eyebrows and at my age I don't have much in the way of eyebrows anymore! LOL!

    1. You're right, Anne! The Husband does give a good haircut. This was my third or fourth time. The first one (or two), he cut all my hair off, as I did his. It doesn't take much to amuse us. Hmmm, that's a good title.

  6. Welcome to the club, I have been having my husband cut my hair for me since we first started dating. He did a fantastic job on that first haircut, so I told him he was now my stylist. It saves me hundreds a year and after the many bad haircuts I had received at the salon, I am so thankful that he does it for me. I find it very relaxing when he capes me, combs out my hair, sections it, pins it up, then trims the ends on each successive layer. The comb feels like a massage, it is so relaxing, I could fall asleep when he trims my hair. I think every woman should have her husband be her personal stylist. I feel so pampered when he puts a glass of wine out for me. A great bonding experience as well a great haircut every time.


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