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My Happy Zone

Today ends the round of Alphabe Thursday hosted by the wonderful Mrs. Jenny Matlock. It's also the final round of the meme.  Jenny has decided to retire it due to her health, which I hope the doctors can resolve very soon. Thank you, Jenny, for being you.

My theme this round has been the Places I've Been. Hence, for the letter Z, I give you some of the places that almost always put me in my Happy Zone.

In the Water

~ Photo taken by the Husband.

In Hawaii

~ Photo taken by the Husband.

In the Mama's Garden

At a Library (or Bookstore)

Wherever the Husband and I Dance

~ Photo taken by Lisa Q.

Any Where Tilda-Hilda and I Ride

Around the House with Molly the Cat

Any Place with the Mama

And, Most of All, Everywhere with the Husband

~Photo taken by a friendly woman amused at our antics.

 There you go, my letter Z for Alphabe Thursday. To join in or to read other Z posts, click here.


  1. Those are all wonderful places!

  2. You just put a beautiful smile on my face. I love these pictures and the joy you find everywhere

  3. What lovely and joyous shots.

  4. Love your attitude and your lovely photography.

  5. I think my favorite is Molly the cat because I love cats.

  6. Molly is in her happy zone when she sees a picture of the two of you dancing!

    1. You noticed, Betty of sharp eyes. I didn't see it until much later.

  7. Delightful photos ~ so happy and filled with love ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  8. Love your photo shares! Such a happy place! Thanks and always appreciate your kind heart at my blog too. Take care.

    1. Thank you, Anne. Takes one kind heart to know another. :-)

  9. I would add, being Susieee Mac of the interwebz! :D

    1. Hmmm. Maybe so. Writing is a happy zone for me. These days, blogging has been it.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you. Kinda Pollyanna and Shirley Temple all rolled up together. LOL.


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