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The Mama's Vegetable Garden

Here's a treat for you and me—a photo of the Mama's vegetable garden in the late 1990s. I'd say this is probably late February or early March. Are you as surprised as I am how few fruit trees and flower bushes were back there?

The Miracle Tree, by the shed on the right, was spindly. And, the apple tree way in the corner wasn't visible. Only the lemon tree, on the left, was going strong.

The Mama's vegetable garden was much bigger back then.  She was in her mid-70s. A youngster.

Here's how her garden looked this morning.  It's smaller and much of it is not visible. The lemon tree is hidden behind the apple and avocado trees. You still can't see the apple tree in the corner, which is now very tall, because of everything else.

I can hardly wait to show the Mama the photos.


  1. Amazing to see before and after shots. Even if her garden is smaller-it still looks bountiful

    1. It certainly is, Birgit. Lemons year round. Persimmons to take us into January. And, who knows when we can start eating the avocados. That's just from the trees. I had no idea the Husband and I helped with planting most of her trees. We bought an olive sapling last week. The Mama thinks it will fit in there somewhere. LOL! We are pushing for the front yard.

  2. Looks like Paradise to me. I LOVE the stories . . Thank you!!!

  3. I always enjoy Before and After photos and stories. Your mother is amazing!

  4. Once that olive tree goes in the front yard, there's no turning back. Consume you, the dark side will!

    1. Bwahahahaha. I also want to put in a fig tree. Date tree would be nice. Guess the Mama's "let's plant more trees" gene has kicked in.

  5. Wonderful to have 'then and now images',, The garden is lovely,
    I can understand why The Mama loves to spend so much time in it,

    Di xxx

    1. I'm so glad I came across this photo and others from the past. I showed them to the Mama. I think she impressed herself. :-)


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