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Summer Domestic Diva Challenge -- Two Down!

Hurrah! I completed item#1 on my list of seven things to do before the summer ends.

The Husband has his second tunic. It sports a couple of boo-boos. One pocket is lower than the other. And, there's a triangle of fabric missing in the interfacing. I cut it out as I was sewing because the fabric was overlapping in the oddest way.  I should've had more faith in what I was doing. We'll see how the tunic holds up with each washing.

The blue print on the pockets and on the sides looks weird. What can I say other than it brings out the happiness of the shirt.

The Husband is so cool.


  1. hahahaaa-I love it! It's like a shirt within a shirt and I love that pattern-like stained glass. Your hubby seems happy and that's what counts. I could never sew this in a million years

    1. A shirt within a shirt. I like that description. I'm sure you could sew something like this, Birgit, because you make awesome cards.

  2. Very cool tunic. Looks like your husband is enjoying it.

  3. That is a beautiful shirt and the husband looks happy.
    Is there more in life, I ask?

  4. If you hadn't mentioned the pockets, I would never have noticed. Sewing is so hard for me that I'd never attempt such a hard project as yours. I love the touches of blue, especially on the pockets. Hubby is happy- that should be all the you need to know the project was successful!

    1. Thanks, Norma. I think the quirks make the tunic unique, which fits the Husband. :-)


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