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Days 42 & 43 with Tilda-Hilda

The left knee flared up after last Wednesday's ride. By Friday I was feeling a lot of grouchy pain that I gave in and called the doctor. The earliest appointment was for this coming Friday. I suppose if I had cried, moaned, and demanded to see him sooner, the gatekeeper would've squeezed me in that day. Just as well. I prescribed my knee rest.

The knee felt good yesterday, so the Husband and I pedaled our bikes around town (4.25 miles) to do errands. I did well, but the Husband had a spill. He has a beautiful egghead of a purple bruise on his shin. The poor guy!

Oh, it felt wonderful to be out pedaling Tilda-Hilda this morning. I was good about not going far, but I was tempted. We pedaled 7.5 miles in 43 minutes. The bum knee had no problem. The other knee complained a bit. It's been overcompensating for the bummed one. I might as well present both knees to the doctor when I see him this Friday.

Ah, the fun of the body growing older.


  1. You two are such troopers! My twins and I hiked Big Basin on Sunday. I am out of shape but don't get any sympathy from my girls. They tell me to stop complaining and keep on moving. The advice I got from my other daughter the next day after complaining of my hip hurting was to stretch it out and don't be such a baby. I do have to admit, the stretching helped a lot but we won't tell them!

    1. You're a trooper, too, Jenny. I remember the trails in Big Basin going up and down. We walked along one trail at its coastal unit a few weeks ago. I complained the last mile.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Georgy. We're doing our best. Today is a rest day for both of us.

  3. Sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it is a bit better but be prepared to go for x-rays and tests


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