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Day 46 with Tilda-Hilda

Today, I was out with Tilda-Hilda for about two hours doing errands and taking photos. I was getting on and off Tilda-Hilda a lot. I won't be surprised if later today some of my muscles protest soreness for being awakened. Good.

Altogether, Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled nearly 5 miles to and from and around downtown. I sweated, which is why I'm counting this as a workout. With all the picture-taking I was doing, I forgot to take one of Tilda-Hilda.  Hence, the photo of her happily back home. 

Until the next ride.


  1. What a beautiful entrance to your home. I love this picture-your home, flowers which remind me of your mom and Tilda

    1. Thanks. The Mama did it all. If we didn't have a drought, the garden would be twice its vividness. Mama has let me water and maintain the front this summer. I think it makes her sad to see the flowers so "anemic". Hopefully, we will have an El Nino winter. I ought to start randomly throw seeds and pits around the front and back.

    2. You should look and see what the Farmer's Almanac says about the coming winter. We are being told that it will be cold and snowy.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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