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The Dude, The Husband -- So Sweet!

My favorite sweets are lemon chiffon ice cream, cherry pie, chocolate cake, and, of course, the Husband!

The other week when I posted one of the Husband's cartoons of Quagmire the Slacker, I mentioned that Quagmire's girlfriend's name is Granola.  Some of you were curious about how she looked.  I asked the Husband if I may share my favorite cartoon of the duo for the letter S in my series of him for Alphabe Thursday.  "Sure," he said. "What's the word?"

"You'll have to wait," I said. "So, you can be surprised."

Can you guess why this cartoon of the Husband's is one of my favorites?

Yup. Because it shows how Quagmire is so sweet. Just like the Dude that is the Husband.

Jenny Matlock

To check out other S posts in Alphabe Thursday, hosted by the lovely Jenny Matlock, please click here


  1. Love the cartoon and why not bring an umbrella:) They can be sweet can't they:)

  2. Fun post for S ~ laughter is good for the soul!

    Happy Weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. As Curly of the Three Stooges might say, "Certainly, Whoop, Whoop, Whoop, Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk."

  3. my husband and I are not romantic, we don't look at stars. But he being the practical person will look at the moon.

    1. That sounds pretty romantic to me, especially when I hear the song "Moon River" in the background. :-)

  4. Hi Susie, I think I would like to read Quagmire daily. He is my kind of guy. I hardly ever see the meteors falling in a shower, others just might see them like they see sheep to count so they can go to sleep. I can't see those either.
    It sounds like your hubby is sweet. Most of us try to be sweet, perhaps he actually has arrived!

    1. Jim, there are meteor showers sometime in August and December. If you find the right spot -- away from light -- you may able to see a few happening then. When I was a teenager, I'd go out and lay on the Daddy's car on a summer's night to wait for falling stars.

  5. Made me smile...Your husband is quite talented to create his own cartoon characters♪

  6. Your husband is quite a talented fellow and he must feel like a celebrity here! Sometime people constantly put down their spouses or their children or children their parents! When I come over here I am always smiling. I think the two of you would be fun to be around!I like that you share your husband's talented and even silliness here. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Anne. I like to think we're fun to be around. :-)

  7. Susie,

    Quagmire and Granola... Oh I do like their names! You and the Husband are very creative people!

  8. Yes, wonderful sweet fun! Lovely

  9. Very sweet indeed! I love the cartoon and the names too!

  10. Variation of Murphy's Law ... Bring a brolly, it doesn't rain. Don't bring a brolly, it pours!

    1. My new word -- brolly, thank you very much. With our drought, I'll take the rain without a brolly.

  11. I like your husband's sense of humour!

  12. Now that's something that I'd not yet learned - that your husband is a cartoonist. You two have some serious gifts!
    I always like to hear (or read) love for one's longtime partner in a post.

  13. definitely sweet! in many ways!

    a cartoonist husband! must make life interesting!


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