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The Dude, the Husband -- A Keeper

My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband

The Husband and I were watching Celebrity Apprentice earlier this week. (Yes, indeed, we're hooked on this show even though we know we ought to avert our eyes, but we can't help it.) And, we both noticed that one of the female contestants looked like she had a makeover.

"Her mustache used to show," the Husband said.

"You noticed it, too, did ya?"

"It was obvious," he said.

"Not really," I said, turning my face to him and pointing above my upper lip. "This is obvious."

"I don't see any mustache," the Husband said.

"How can you not?""

"Because you're so sparkly."


"I don't see anything but you're sparkliness."

Sighhhhhhh. The Dude is a Keeper!

And, a few years ago, this keeper decided to play at being a bell keeper. No. Make that a bell ringer!

Today is the letter K at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe Thursday. That's where I shall be checking out other K posts. Come join me by clicking here.

Jenny Matlock


  1. I am glad you hubby, the dude is a keeper... I love this photo, so cute! Enjoy your day!

  2. Great post and photo (and husband of course!)!!

    1. Thank you, Heather. I had no idea what to do with K, then he went and said this. lol

  3. Love this picture! He is a keeper. I am sick right now and when my hubby came in from outside and looked at me, he smiled lovingly and said "You look like crap" (he used another word but I decided on crap). I am still deciding whether to keep him:)

    1. The Husband says things like that to me, too, when I'm sick. I love the familiarity of that. :-)

  4. That's hilarious♪

  5. lol, I love it. So fun and such a gorgeous hat he has :)

    1. We both had the same idea when we saw the bell. hahaha

  6. The look on his face! Looks like someone rang it while he was in there! Heh, heh, heh.

  7. A beautiful photo! Yes, good sense of humor is very important!

    1. Thanks, Leovi. Most certainly need a sense of humor. :-)

  8. That's lovely that you got a keeper :)

  9. I agree, you should let him stay. Great K post for A~ T. I think your blog is really interesting so I just became your latest follower..

  10. You have a nice 'Keeper' for a husband, Suz !!! I do hope you let him 'keep' some things also (besides you of course). I keep computers, cars, and toys. Some golf stuff too. :)
    You picked a good theme, we are all getting to know you guys from your Thursday blog.

    1. Oh, The Husband keeps anything he wants. He still has many of this textbooks from college, which was eons ago. :-)

  11. Definitely a keeper. Love that shot of him!

  12. always nice to have someone around who can keep you laughing {:-D

  13. He looks like a keeper ~ love the photo and great post for K ~

    Happy Weekend to you
    artmusedog and carol

  14. haha, funny - the photo and your conversation:)


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