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Cubed Tofu

Did you know that you can buy tofu already cubed? 

Seriously. I must quote the Mama now. "These businessmen are very smart. They know how to make money."

The other night I opened what I thought was a container of a block of extra-firm tofu. As I was about to drain the now opened container, I noticed loose pieces of tofu. What the heck? Then, I saw that the container was full of small pieces of tofu. I looked at the wrapper. Extra-firm CUBED tofu!  Again: What the heck?  

So much for having fried slices of tofu with roasted Brussels sprouts for dinner. It was time to get creative.  As the Brussels sprouts roasted in the toaster oven, I diced a fragment of orange bell pepper, a handful of browning chives, cilantro, and a bunch of garlic cloves. I also chopped salami slices, which I found in the freezer. 

I heated a big glob of bacon fat. Yes, bacon fat. The bell pepper was thrown in first. Two minutes later, the cubed tofu. Stir. Stir. Stir. In went the rest of the ingredients. Ding. The Brussels sprouts were done. Some leaves were burnt. I pulled out as many as I could, then tossed the Brussels sprouts into the tofu mix. Stir. Stir. Stir. Done!

It was okay. Probably better that fried slices of tofu.

Next time I'll make sure to read the tofu container label. Who the heck can't cube tofu?!

Much later: I decided to link up with Mix It Up Monday. Is it the right place to be? Someone will tell me otherwise,  I'm sure. Want to check out recipes and DIY craft instructions with me?  Click here.



  1. I never cooked with tofu and thought it would be always done cubed for convenience. My culinary talent is lacking in this style

    1. Having no real (or interesting) taste of its own, tofu takes on the flavor of the dish. There was one time though where I had a dish of freshly made tofu with a bit of soy sauce. It was heaven!

  2. LOL I've not seen that. I'll be sure to keep a look out next time I buy tofu ;)


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