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#2 Book Review for My 2015 Reading Challenge

Thug Kitchen is written by Matt Holloway and Michelle Davis, who are 29-year-olds, hence I can cross A book written by someone under 30 off my 2015 Reading Challenge

If swearing bothers you, walk by this cookbook, because a lot of f-bombs and sh-words are dropped. The title had me open the cover at the bookstore, but it was the novelty of the cussing that drew me into flipping through the book. There was nothing new under the sun for me. I know how to roast garlic, for instance. But, what  impressed me was that the authors offered recipes like the ones I make up and not make again because I can't remember what I did. Maybe I cook like someone under 30.

I left the bookstore without the cookbook, but I kept thinking about the intriguing recipes such as ginger-mushroom summer rolls, cauliflower cream pasta,  spicy plantain chips, and lemony red lentil soup. A couple weeks later when I was choosing books online for my birthday gifts, I thought, "Why not?" I needed inspiration for making more vegetable dishes.

About halfway through the book,  I realized that Thug Kitchen is a vegan cookbook. I guess the cursing is a gimmick to get people to eat their vegetables.  Anyway, I can easily adapt many of the recipes to include eggs, cheese, or other animal protein if I want to. Maybe I will somewhere down the road.

Fruit salad smoothie, anyone? How about almond Caesar salad, or, perhaps, whipped cream made with coconut milk?

Note: FCC and you need to know that the link leads to Should you click it and happen to purchase anything there, Amazon may reward me with a bit of change.


  1. Almond Ceasar Salad sounds like a winner to me!

    1. I can hardly wait until I get the ingredients to try that one.

  2. A cookbook with F bombs? Intriguing:)


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