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Freshly Baked Bread

Yesterday, I made bread. White bread, to be precise.  I even followed the recipe, almost precisely, which is pretty good for me. I forgot to add the salt, but that's okay. We already finished one loaf.

I thought about putting up the Christmas tree yesterday morning, but chose to bake bread and make carrot and leek soup for lunch instead. I had a yen for freshly baked white bread for the past two days.  And, since I wasn't going to find what I wanted in the local grocery stores or bakeries, I might as well knead one to fulfill my need. Yuk, yuk.

I don't make bread much anymore. Not that I was ever a bread baker. I just like pounding the dough. Okay, the kneading. Knead, knead. Pound. Pound, Knead. 

Easy pounding. Not like the first time I made bread many decades ago. Imagine me, a 20-year-old college girl living in a second-floor apartment in San Francisco's Richmond district. It's late in the evening. Because I'm either stressed or bored, or both, with my studies, I am making bread on the flimsy kitchen counter.  Knead, knead, Pow! Pound. Pound. Pow! Pound Pound. Knead, pound, knead. My roommates say, "Gee, Sue take it easy."

Rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat.  There is an angry rap at our front door. It is our downstairs neighbor. He is not very happy with the loud, continuous thuds keeping him awake. Poor guy.

I learned my lesson: Pound bread dough quietly and kindly.

By the way, the Christmas tree just might go up today.


  1. OH yum! Love homemade bread :) Hope the tree went up easy!

    1. The tree did. The Husband came out of his cubbyhole and helped decorate it. Twas lots of fun. Merry Christmas, Anna!

  2. Susie,

    I love home baked bread but haven't made any for years. But we do have our Christmas tree up and decorated. We did it this morning. More precisely, my girls did it while I watched. Now the tree is decorated, Christmas can arrive. Only one more day! I hope you have a very happy Christmas with the Husband and the Mama. Happy Christmas!

    1. The tree is up, the cookies are baked, and once I get off the computer I will go start Christmas Eve dinner and wrap the rest of the presents. Merry Christmas, to you, Sue, and your family!

  3. My Aunt used to make her own bread and I always remember her place smelling of freshly baked bread. Merry Christmas! Hope the tree went up without any issues and you are having fun

    1. Merry Christmas, Birgit! The festivities began as the Husband and I started decorating the tree yesterday. It'll be up for quite a while. :-)

  4. Haven't eaten store bought bread for yonks! Mrs Widds, the Baker. :D

    1. You lucky gal! Merry Christmas to you and the Baker!

  5. Replies
    1. It was very delicious. I'm going to bake more today.


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