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Last week,  I read a post by Manzanita at Wanna Buy a Duck about a blogger friend who was visiting her. She'd ended her post with a question: "Have you ever visited in person with a blogging buddy?" I thought that would be pretty cool to meet a fellow blogger in person. But, I figured the odds are slim since the bloggers I would love to meet one day live in such far away places as Montana, British Columbia, Hawaii, Australia, the East Coast, and Malaysia. And, these days, far-away traveling is not on the horizon for the Husband and me.

Ha! Was I proven wrong. About meeting blogger buddies in person, that is.

On Tuesday, I received an e-mail message from Courtney of Maui Jungalow. She and her husband were visiting in Silicon Valley for a couple of days and she wondered if I might be interested in getting together. Voila! The next day, the Husband and I met them at the motorcycle seat factory in our town where Courtney's husband was ordering a custom-made seat for the BMW bike that he was rebuilding.

From the moment Courtney and I said Aloha, we chattered away, stopping only to get into our cars to drive to a restaurant.  Over breakfast, the four of us talked story. Story after story. It's as if we hadn't seen each other for a long time, and we just picked up from where we had left off. Have you ever felt that way with folks you've just met?

Courtney gifted us with pretty shells from Hawaii. A bit of sand fell out of them, which is so cool.  I can't recall the names of the different shells, except for the sea anemone quills on the bottom left. They are all so lovely.

Mahalo, Courtney, for the Aloha shells and the visit. Hope to see you again in person. Maybe next time it'll be in your hometown.


  1. How wonderful! It is so cool to meet and feel like you are visiting an old friend even though you never met in person before. The shells are sweet and love the ones on the left

  2. What fun to meet a fellow-blogger! And what a nice gift!


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