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To Play or Not to Play the Cello

I want to learn to play the cello. So I say right now.

In the past year, I have changed from wanting to play the bass guitar to the bass, accordion, trombone, drums, and violin. And, now it is the cello. The Husband says settle on one already. Easy for him to say. He can play the trombone. He can read music. He can sing on key.

Me? I can read the C-scale, specifically the first five notes C-D-E-F-G.

The first time I sang along with the Husband during our courting days, more than 18 years ago, he told me I was off-key. After another song or two, he said, "You're tone deaf."

Huh? What? That was news to me and I'd been singing 40 years by then. But, it did suddenly make sense why the elementary school chorus teacher didn't let me join the group and I couldn't for the life of me tune my guitar when I was an angsty teenager.

Fortunately for the Husband, I haven''t let that imperfection keep me from singing when I feel like it. He has even said my singing has improved over the years. I'm sure that wasn't in my dream when he said it.

So, should I learn to play the cello? Or, should I just be content eating jello as I listen to the amazing 2CELLOS?

 I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge this month. To check out other participants, click here. See you tomorrow.  


  1. I want to play the harp ... it's so darn pretty! My daughters both wanted to learn the sax ... after 6 months of the recorder, I was kind of hoping they'd lose interest in music ... lol

    1. :-) I love the sound of the sax. Reminds me of nights full of possibilities.

  2. I think you should learn to play the cello, if you want. I know I never did follow through with learning how to play the guitar, myself.

    Sweetbearies Art Projects

    Sweetbearies Art Photography

    1. I appreciate the encouragement, J Hanna. I've been scouting for nearby teachers and places to rent the cello. Wish there was a musical instrument buffet where you can try every instrument and see which one fits you best.

  3. Let the music guide you:) If you want to play the cello then play. You have to think if in 5 yrs from now would you regret it if you never tried? Now if I sing all the dogs in the area coming running to our home and the glass starts shaking-not a good idea for me to sing

    1. LOL! There are times when my voice is like that. I figure the dogs in this neighborhood can take it. After all there are nights where they keep me up.

  4. Funny stuff. I so feel you. In front of the whole class, my third grade music teacher told me , "Don't sing. Just move your lips." My piano instructor said I was hopeless, despite my disproportionately long fingers. And my friends beg that I not participate in karaoke. But, I'm one hell of a tap dancer. Cello on!

    1. You, go, one-hell-of-a-tap-dancer. I'd like to give tap dancing one more try.

  5. I LOVE to sing - but sound HORRIBLE lol
    I know this about myself and although I wish there were something that I can do about, I accept that I can't lol I truly feel for those around me at church. I wish that my children had the option of taking string instrument lessons at school, I currently have one playing clarinet and one plays the trumpet. My two littles insist that when they are old enough, it's going to be the saxophone (which I'm seriously looking forward to) and the drums..... Heaven help me!! GO FOR IT - don't end up regretting not doing something that you had the opportunity to :)

    1. Hi, Tricia, I appreciate your feedback. It sounds like you have yourself a family band one day. How fun is that!

  6. You should definitely learn to play the cello! I'm currently desperate to learn to play the drums, but not too long ago it was the bass guitar, and at some point I also wanted to play the cello or violin. Unfortunately my money situation rules all of the above out, so I'll have to settle for my guitar for now!

    Also, I love the doodle of you playing the cello!

    1. It's nice to know that I'm in good company. Yup, money rules things, too. Hopefully, it doesn't cost much to rent a cello and get a few lessons to find out if it really is my thing. Thanks for that comment about my doodle. That means a lot to me. :-)

  7. I used to sing a lot, and probably off-key, but since my throat surgery my vocal cords have decided they're retired for the duration, but that doesn't stop me from whistling! Brahms Lullaby is one of my favourites ... the Cellist Susieee Mac - has a nice ring to it!

    1. Good for you, widder! Cellist Su-sieee! Mac does sound nice. I even know what I'd like to wear -- a patchwork velvet dress.

  8. Those guys really get into it. Love it. Playing a cello is too physical with carrying the thing around. Did you read my post, I think, 2 posts before A-z started... it was about a cello shoot I went on because the girl borrowed my flamenco dress. We climbed on top of a mountain and the artiste carried her own cello because she wouldn't trust it to anyone else. We drove as far as we could but then had a steep hike to the top.

    1. Hmmm, never thought about carrying the cello. I'll put it on wheels. LOL. Yes, I did read that post. It's what got me thinking I wanted to play the cello again.

  9. Go for it. Even if you don't stick with it, you'll learn something and maybe it'll take you down another direction you didn't dream of. Aloha! Maui Jungalow

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. My ears perk every time I hear someone say "cello".


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