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The Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

Just call me #2028. For now. That may change throughout the month during the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. This is my second year. Unlike last year, I have no expectations. I may finish, I may not. And if I don't? Then I will have recognized that my world has become too stressful and doing the daily post challenge is not a priority.

Hmmm, I believe I have turned the corner into Serenity Now!


  1. Turned the corner? Sounds good to me. See ya on the challenge.

  2. See you on the trail...good luck.
    On the A to Z Challenge Maggie@expatbrazil.

    1. Thanks, Maggie. See you out and about the blogs.

  3. This is my first shot at the A-Z (and being a new public blogger myself) - Hope to see more of you!!!!

    1. Hope you have a blast. Thanks for stopping by, Tricia. :-)


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