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Never Too Old to Uncover a Talent

Today I discovered a talent -- and a natural skill -- that I have.

First, let me put it all in context. I decided to enter the Country Roads Dry Flower Arrangement category at this year's County Fair. It'll be my first time. The requirement: I must make a dried flower display using a receptacle that I have found alongside the road.

So, this afternoon, the Husband and I decided to walk on the street that's next to the last small open field in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, a chicken-wire-type cyclone fence blocked us from wandering in the field. Still, I lucked out. Just on the other side of the fence was a broken toy rocket and a small kinda flat rubber ball. Bingo!

I was able to pull the rocket through the fence without busting it. Whoo-hooo! Now to get the ball that was further away from the fence. The Husband and I found a stronger and larger stick, but that, too, was on the other side of the fence.  That's when I learned about my talent.

I was able to put part of my hand (which I now consider small) through the fence and grab the stick. Now, here comes the neat part: I patiently moved the stick up the fence until it got to the point where I could pull it over the fence and handed it to the Husband.

He channeled his talented elementary schoolboy self and swiftly rolled the ball to the fence. He stepped back and I worked my magic retrieving that ball with my new found talent. Ha! Goes to show, we're never too old to uncover a talent.


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