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The Girl That Did Fly

Once upon a time, in a far away place, a little girl wished upon a star, "I wish I could fly."

Unlike other fairy tales, Midge's wish did not come true. So, she thought.

One morning, Midge woke up, thinking, "Ah, today is the day I shall fly."

She flung off her blankets and jumped to her feet.

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

With each bounce, Midge hung in the air higher and longer. Nearly three-quarters to the ceiling, she turned somersaults and back flips, cartwheels and spins.

She bounced and she bounced until her grandmother opened her door.

"Very good, my dear," said Lola Sue smiling so proudly. "You're getting to be quite good with the triple flips. I do believe you take after your grandma."

Lola Sue jumped onto the bed, and together they bounced.

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

Holding hands, they bounced even higher and higher.

"I think it is time," Lola Sue said."Are you ready?"

"Yes! Yes!" exclaimed Midge, although she knew not what it might be.

"Then let us go!"

Midge and her Lola Sue bounced once more, hung a second, then flew around the room. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," said Midge. "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

"Hold on tight," said Lola Sue, as she lead the little girl out the door, through the house, and out a window into the Lola's garden. From there, they soared up through the banana plants and into the big, blue sky. 

© 2013, story and photo by Su-sieee! Mac. All rights reserved.


  1. Thanks Lola Sue...what happened next??? will be the special K's grandtwins questions...and where did they go?

  2. Off we go..... into the wild blue yonder, flying high, into the sky.

  3. this is the way to start the day. weeeeeeee!!!!! peter pan-ish fun...

  4. I loved it! It made me want to....FLY! wHEE!!! zIpp!!

    1. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...zIpppppppppppppppp...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . .


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