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Time Out: What is This?

Let's play the guessing game. What do you think this is?
Ah, you don't want to scroll down, do ya?

 Easy, huh? A hidey-hole. Most certainly a huge one.

Who else thinks this could be a portal to another dimension?
Or, a place to hide treasures? Or....?

Whoa! Would you believe this is an avocado tree?
It's one of the oldest ones in California—more than
100 years old.  Just think of all the secrets that may
have been hidden in that hidey-hole. If you're ever
in Santa Cruz, California, you can check the tree out
at the Santa Cruz State Historic Park.


  1. My mind kinda went to delicate lady parts!

  2. LOL! I admit that came to my mind, too. Also, made me think of Georgia O'Keefe's art. :-)

  3. I saw a black panther in the first picture

  4. I like hidey holes but I think I like better stepping over into another dimension better. Think of that tree during a bumper crop of avocados. Yum.


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