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Staying the Course

I've been dragging my fingers across the keyboard right now, and pressing the delete button a lot. I just don't feel like writing.

So, why try, you may ask. It's not like my boss will scold me if I don't offer something up to the blog today.

Well, yes, the boss will scold me.

The boss is me.

When I started Don't be a Hippie, I committed myself to publishing a post every Tuesday and Thursday. A job commitment is a commitment, regardless of whether it's to myself or to someone else for a fee. Blogging wasn't always like that for me. It was mostly comme çi, comme ça.  But, a few years ago, I went through a rather bad bout of what I shall just call writer's block. I used the delete button and stared at a blank computer screen more than quite a lot, and that's saying it mildly. The only way to keep that from happening again is for me to meet my self-imposed deadlines. It truly helped that I made myself do a daily post for one year on my Take 25 to Hollister blog. Yes, I accomplished my goal earlier this year, thank you very much.

It also helps that the darn notebook in which I keep my to-do list is nearby.  And, to write what I must remember to do, even the fun stuff. At the moment, I have these ideas for future posts:
• Watching the Lawrence Welk Show with the Husband and the Mama
• How Molly the Cat is changing my daily routine for the positive
• Family picnics at the beach
• The Monkees

There you go, dear Readers, and there I go. Something for us to look toward (or is it towards). Maybe I'll add a post about my missing commas and wrong subject/verb agreements.

And, since I've mentioned The Monkees, check out this wonderful tribute to Davy Jones by Rob Sheffield at the Rolling Stones Web site. You'll also get to hear many of the songs that the sweet, talented Davy performed with Peter, Mickey, and Mike.

Thank you, Davy Jones!


  1. It's often best to stay the course - said another way - the best way out is through.

  2. funny, i am attempting to get up to posting twice a week myself and i find myself at the block in the road, too. we'll see what i kin get up morrow...
    deadlines are important, as you and i both know. without them, i may never have written a word, other than comments:)

  3. Charlie, I like that approach better—"the best way out is through". But, man, I hope there aren't too many more ropes to scale.

    Ed,gosh yes. Though, I think a couple of editors may think I think otherwise about deadlines.


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