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10 Things I Did Not Know about Cats

Since Molly the Cat came into our lives, I did not know that:
  1. Cats snore.
  2. Cats sleep on their backs with their arms and legs splayed out. Yeah, just like a drunken person.
  3. Cats like to have something to eat after having been brushed.
  4. Cats don't necessarily know how nor inclined to say meow to their humans. Molly the Cat chirrups when she talks to us.
  5. Cats will wait until you clean up their litter box, then jump into it immediately and do their thing. I always thank Molly the Cat for doing it before I throw the poop bag away.
  6. Cats will suddenly race around the house after something that only they can see. They run so fast, you think you can see lines of action, such as those drawn in cartoons, extending from them as they shoot down the hallway and take the corner almost in mid air.
  7. Cats will pretend to wait for your permission to go explore that dark corner between the couches just to make you feel that you are the boss. Ha!
  8. Cats are even pickier eaters than the Mama. We have at least four opened cans of cat food (high quality, according to some self-appointed experts) that she sniffed, and looked at me, as if saying, "Are you kidding? Have you tasted this yuck?" Thank goodness, we can return the cans, opened or not, to the store for a refund. We've already brought back four cans.
  9. Cats will leave you alone while you're working on the computer late into the early morning, as long as they can sleep on the comfy chair, with the pristine pink rose brocade covering, behind you.
  10. Cats are soooooo fun to hang out with.
Of course, all that I learned may just apply to Molly the Cat. Fine with me.

© 2012 Su-sieee! Mac. All rights reserved. 


  1. Having a catch-up read of your posts.
    re:cats ... there's the old stand-by ... that dogs have owners, cats have staff ...who love them to bits, and back together again!

  2. Having a catch-up read of your posts.
    re:cats ... there's the old stand-by ... that dogs have owners, cats have staff ...who love them to bits, and back together again!

  3. Widdershins, I'd never heard that about being a cat's staff. I like it. I'm head pooper scooper. The husband is head evening entertainer. The mama is head nurturer when no one is watching.


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