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The Man in My Life

A glorious 2012 to you, dear readers!

Slowly, slowly, you shall meet the characters in my life—past and present. Today, I introduce the Husband. Some of you already know him from my previous blogs. We are perfectly imperfect together. Click here for an example, then come back to find out how we met.

How We Met

He, the future husband, was standing in my carport, as his friend, the son of my deceased husband, was circling the motorcycle that his father had given him. He, the future husband, wore a red plaid jacket over his jeans. His curly reddish blonde hair was just barely out of control. His beard was neatly full. He, the future husband, was staring at a black box the size of a TV remote control in his hand. I imagined him saying, "Beam me up, Scotty." I also thought, Pothead.

And, so it began. Nearly 17 years ago.

The Husband writes a blog about cartooning. You can check him out at Arrmac's Blog.

© 2012 Su-sieee! Mac. All rights reserved. 


  1. wait! where's the "more"???? You taunt me, Susie1

  2. wait! where's the "more"??? You taunt me, Susie!

  3. Evil2win, I hope you meant tease and not sneer or torment you. :-) The "more" will come by and by.


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