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Another Reason "Y" I Love The Husband

Today's letter is Y.
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We could be walking, riding our bicycles, or driving down the way.

"I need to take a picture," I announce.

He does not yelp.
Nor does he yawp.

He waits patiently. 
Yawn. He does now and then.
He says he is just relaxed.

I am so fortunate.


  1. Yes, he has a true gift. Yes, you do too.

  2. Yep, yep, he's a blessing! How creative of you of you to pull this together using your DH. Cute post!

    From your newest follower,
    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

    Check out my Alphabe Thursday post!

  3. So the waiting on the bike pic.
    True blessing!

  4. Looks like a sweetie pie to me! I have a good one, too! ... Had him for 35 years!

  5. What a sweet post... I get distracted easy, love taking photos and expoloring I too have a very paitent husband :+)

    Loving his bike by the way!

  6. PS: I almost forgot I'm hosting a $75 dollar giveaway this week feel free to stop by and enter :+)

  7. Aww, what a sweet pea.
    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    He’s a keeper!

  8. A good traveling companion through life is a treasure!


  9. o man he gotta lot a whiskers .

  10. My husband is the actual photographer of the family. I learned to carry a camera around in self defense. If I start taking pictures when he does, I'm not bored anymore. It's gotten out of hand lately, though. Now HE waits for ME.

  11. A good man nowadays is hard to find.
    He's kinda photogenic too.

  12. La, thanks. What a neat name you have.

    JDaniel4'sMom: Takes one to know one, my dear. :-)

    Cathy, hello and thank you. Welcome to my world.

    Jen, totally a true blessing. That's my favorite picture too.

    Debbie: Very cool!

    Mrs. Adventure: We are both fortunate. He also keeps me from getting run over. :-)

    Wanda, that is my favorite passage. Thanks.

    Sue,a treasure I shall always cherish, even when we get growly at each other. :-)

    Maggy, yep.

    Jackie, you should've seen it in December. Almost down to his chest.

    Hip-chick, nice to know another woman with a wonderful partner.

    Alice, when I met the husband, he was the photographer. He got me back into clicking cameras, and then he stopped. Hope he gets back to it. His eye of the world is amazing.

    widdershins, and with a lovely singing voice, too. :-)

  13. There is nothing nicer than hearing people be appreciative of their other halves and it always makes me smile - thank you.
    PS I adore my man too

  14. Sweeeet :) love the photos. Hubby waits for me, too !!

  15. love the confidence in you.
    well done.

  16. Long-suffering when it comes to pictures, perhaps, but he looks like a pretty happy guy!

  17. This is such a sweet post and you are a fortunate woman to be in a grand relationship. Thanks for commenting on my first a-z post. I've been having computer problems and that adds stress to the daily posting. Have a gorgeous weekend with that gorgeous man in your life.

  18. Mari's World, you're welcome. :-)

    myinnerchick: Yay for our hubbies!

    Jingle, thank you, I appreciate it.

    Pondside: He says he is a rather happy guy. :-)

    Manzi,computer problems are worse than reading tax forms. Fortunately don't have them to deal with at the moment, knock on wood. Hope it gets better. And yes the weekend is going gorgeously.

  19. He sounds a lot like my husband. I always feel I am so blessed to have a man with such patience in my life.

    But, on the other hand, we totally deserve them...and they deserve us!

    Thanks for a sweet stop on our journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y".

    This was definitely a yippee kinda post!


  20. Jenny, yep. Our men definitely deserve us!

  21. Ed, thanks. I was actually trying to take photos through a window. I don't know what it reflected against. But, I'm glad it did.


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