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The Irresistibly Sweet Award

Alice Audrey gave me that award up there. It was unexpected, and very sweet of her. Thank you, Alice!

So, now it's my turn to play it forward.
The Rules:
List 4 Guilty Pleasures
Reading the afternoon (or evening) away
Buying a mocha latte from Vertigo Cafe
Watching yet another movie made from a Jane Austen book
Taking a nap 
Reward other bloggers
Carmen's Chronicles
JDaniel4's Mom
Quicky Pickings
Widdershins World
Irresistibly Sweethearts, check out sweet Alice's post, if you're not sure about how to handle these blog awards. It surely turned on a light for me.


  1. What a lovely treat Susie, thank you... I'm going to have to think on this ... who to play it forward to? Hm-m? .. I don't suppose the spirit of the thing would include soliciting bribes ... nah. Didn't think so!

  2. Widdershins, quite welcome. bribes, huh? Hmmm.

  3. Can't think of anyone more deserving of a "sweet award" than the Su-sieee. You are the sweetest!!!!!
    Love and peace

  4. You are entirely welcome.

    I think the reading part of your list should count as a virtue, though. :)


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