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Today's letter is R.
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I'm sure this happens to you.

You're walking along in the real outdoors. You know the type—where the landscaping was done by Mother Nature. Your being gets attuned with the reality of what's around you. The sky, the topography, the fauna, the flora. Beautiful, oh, so beautiful.

Then, maybe you move your head to the left or right. Or, perhaps a slight change in lighting occurs. Something shifts in some weird way that suddenly the natural scene takes on a different reality.

Do you see a dead stump or
a creepy figure with a rodent crawling up his body?

Do you see a small grove of old oak trees,
or a battle between foes just horribly ended?

Ah, maybe the reality is: You need to get more sleep.

Or, maybe the mama's sense is right: "You have too much imagination."


  1. I like the Mama's logic. You could think of it this way, to have good visual imagination, you have to have good eyesight. You have that. I have extremely poor eyesight so I have to feel my imaginary things because I can't see them. (and I'm still driving..... perish the thought) Lucky you, look at all the books you can read.

    Are you making fun plans for Valentines Day????
    Love and Peace....

  2. I see it! Maybe it simply means Mother Nature has a sense of humor.

  3. I definintely saw it! Especially in the firt one.

  4. Oh, I love this. We have a big cow field down the road from us. There is a stump in the middle that looks just like a young girl with long hair sitting in the field.
    I know just what you mean.

  5. yeah!

    love your observations in nature,
    creepy and haunting,
    it is also exciting.

  6. I have always had a far too active imagination! Ghost stories always scared the hold heck out of me and I would have nightmares for days after!

  7. we have trees around our "neighborhood" and I think they're kinda spooky! Nice pics! {:-Deb

  8. I love the gnarled fingers of old oak trees!


  9. Love your imagination. I saw the trees first but then your vision. Cool picks.

  10. The first pic... perhaps it's a wayfarer who is pointing the way up the hill with a satchel of messages for the Lost Queen at her side...

    ... the second one ... they're having a competition about who can spread their arms the widest... the prize being bragging rights at the old oak trees convention in three weeks time

  11. I was right there with you on the first pic, thinking "what the???":@)

  12. Manzi, that's why you're a dancer. Okay, I'll slip over that "still driving" comment. No doubt your eyesight is good enough for driving. The mama failed her eyesight test at the DMV 7 years ago, but she still believes that she'll pass it one day yet. If she should ever...shudder.

    La, yes Mama Nature has a very good sense of humor.

    Diane, cool!

    Jen, I can just imagine yours.

    Jingle, you said it! I got kinda spooked looking at the photos as I was prepping them for the web.

    Carmen, I can't watch ghost movies or anything about ghosts. And I better not even get started thinking of them. I still need to go downstairs to lower the thermostat before heading to bed. :-)

    Deb, thank you.

    Sue, I have to say that oak trees are the most fantastic to me. I'd love to grow one in the front yard.

    Donnie, thanks!

    magsmcc: Boo! :-)

    widdershins, I like that you spun a more positive, noncreepy spin to our wooden friends. The wayfarer has such a look on his face because he's just tired of walking miles and miles.

    Happier Than a Pig In Mud, I love your name. :-)

    Charlie, such a long tail it has!

  13. I used to pass a tree out on the edge of the ocean that looked just like a palm tree. Only I was in Massachusetts!

  14. Years ago, I spent a few hours watching a "black bear" across the street from my house that was actually a black garbage bag blowing in the wind...

    Ahhh.the mind is a wondrous thing!

  15. This is a great observation! I love to do that with Saguaros becuse their arms go so many different ways!

  16. That dead stump is really creepy and it does look like a prehistoric triop is climbing up it! Eww.

  17. definitely more going on here than simply trees in a field. That "creepy figure" looks like it's about to take flight.

  18. Those were awesome photos and I love the way you see reality!

  19. I see both in both pictures, but now that you mention it I could get more sleep.

  20. I love your imagination! I do exactly this...spin tales around nothing...sometimes it drives my husband batty...and sometimes he misses his exit driving because he's listening so intently.

    Thanks for a wonderful link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "R".

    This was really excellent.



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