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Book Review: Homicide in Hardcover

Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle was a very fun and quick read. It's been a long while since I've read a book in one day. No, not all at once. I would've if I wasn't so responsible. Ha!

Brooklyn Wainwright is a bookbinder who lives in San Francisco. She attends a book event where she reunites with her mentor Abraham who had gotten miffed when Brooklyn decided to start her own business. An hour later, he is dead and Brooklyn becomes a suspect. She also is hired to complete the bookbinding job on a very old copy of Faust that Abraham was about to start working on. The copy supposedly has a curse on it and by all the misfortunes that fall on Brooklyn, it may be true. Brooklyn is worried that her mom may be the murderer, so she starts sleuthing on her own.

Thrown into the troubled mix is Derek, a handsome British security consultant who has been hired to protect the book. Lots of sparked dialogue go on between Brooklyn and Derek. Also, interesting to the tale is Brooklyn's parents, who still live in a commune. When the mom becomes stressed in the moment, she zones out everyone and everything around her by instantly chanting.

Homicide in Hardcover is the first title of Ms. Carlisle's Bibliophile Mystery series. When I finished it, I wished I had the next book in the series. So far three books have been published and another one will be coming out in May. I read at Ms. Carlisle's blog that the publisher plans to publish a title every six months. Wow.

FYI: This title fulfills both of these 2011 reading challenges in which I'm participating. They're both still open, if you're interested.

Click here for more info.

Click here for more info.


  1. I like the idea of off the wall characters like the mother, but so rarely see them handled well. Being a little - um - eccentric myself I'm not satisfied with superficial handling. Has this one got depth?

  2. Alice, I thought the author gave me a good sense of the mother from the few scenes she was in and how Brooklyn would remember things about her mom while growing up. I got a feeling that if her parents hadn't gone the commune way as youngsters, they would've grown up living the life of Bitsy and Buck who spend lots of time at the country club.


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