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Shopping for the Unknown X's

Today's letter is "X."

Last week, I told you that the husband and I decided to have some fun with the xmas presents for each other.  Exaggerating the use of the mathematical terms, it went like this:

$10.00 = total expense we each would spend

x ≥ 5 presents (In other words, 5 or more gifts)

How did we do?


X-wise, we found that x = Six exceptional gifts!

We shopped downtown, going in opposite directions. Amazingly, we each finished before the time allowed: 60 minutes – x minutes = 45 minutes

My expenses: $9.95.  At the thrift store, I found a Michael Crichton novel and a booklet about Oregon caves, which was published in the era when the husband worked there during the summers of his college days. Because the husband is a visual artist, I purchased water colors and a couple of brushes at the art supply store. (Hint, hint, the husband.) At our favorite drugstore, I bought Post-it notes for his note-taking and a box of Milk Duds for the next time we go to the movies.

My shopping spree ended at the first store that the husband entered. The husband, being exact, tackled his quest by thinking $2 per present. Both he and the lovely Carol at the shop came up empty with ideas, so she suggested that he go to the 99-cent store on the side of town where I was. The clever husband walked the back streets so I wouldn't see him. When Carol told me, I happened to notice stickers and ribbons (like the ribbons they award at county fairs). "If the husband comes back, you could suggest these," I said, pointing to the rack. "Sure," she said. "Which ones?" "Oh, he'll know."

I felt sorry for the husband because shopping is such a dreaded activity for him. Not anymore. The man did extremely well for himself! His expenses: He had more than $2 in change left over. Hello!

At the 99-cent store, the husband bought a package of bamboo spatulas (which I really need), a bag of Cracker Jacks (my snack for the movies), a green plastic poncho (that can expand to fit both of us), jacks (remember them?), and a toy echo microphone. Even the mama had fun talking into the microphone, which reminded her of the cans-and-string telephone from her childhood. That got the husband and me wondering if we could set up such a system in the house. When we mentioned that to the husband's brother, he said, "Yes, that's called wireless." 

The husband found the sixth present at the thrift store where I had found his books. He said he just happened to turn in an aisle and there it was. A true bargain, 25 cents! And, it is the best present I have ever gotten!! I am not exaggerating at all!!!

So, what is it already?

Look for yourself: The extra-charming straw cowboy hat with a red sheriff's badge! Whoo-hooo!

The husband and I enjoyed the quest so much, we're going to do it again next year. Life is exquisite!

Today, I'm hooking up at ABC Wednesday, hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt.  The letter of the week is "X."  Did you notice?  Click on this x to check out other "X" posts.


  1. Ha! What fun!! We all spend far too much on Christmas, so it's nice to hear about people who go the other way and still have a LOT of fun!

    Jay - ABC Wednesday team

  2. Oh, yes! A fun post indeed! And how clever you both are!! We didn't do any shopping this year, but my oldest daughter whom I hadn't seen in seven years, totally surprised me with five day visit! What fun we had! Well, you had a great Christmas, but I'm wishing you a very Happy New Year!! Enjoy!


  3. Wow! What a clever contest you two had. And fun!

    ABC Wednesday team

  4. What a wonderful collection of loot... well done to both of you

  5. Welcome to ABC Wednesday and what a great post for X-day. Your eXperiment with the Christmas giving is inspirational!

  6. Welcome to ABC Wednesday - I take my hat off to you joining us at such a challenging letter of the alphabet! Hubby and I tried this a couple of years ago - and I must say how we enjoyed it - it is all about time and showing our better half how much we understand them - money can not buy such thoughtfulness.
    Thanks so much,
    ABC Team

  7. Talk about bargain hunting!

    We get some great finds at the dollar store, too.

  8. excellent choices. and you guys were creative sticking to the limits.
    happy new year!


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