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Reading for Fun 2011

"Don't read so much," the mama said to me, standing in my doorway. "You'll go crazy."

She said that to me a long time ago when as a kid I had again lain too long on my bed reading yet another book. I'm sure what she meant was something like "Go play outdoors!" Did I lay my book down and go outside? I doubt it.

Since the husband and I moved to Hollister seven summers ago, I haven't done much book reading for fun. Most of my reading has been research for work. I want to change that in 2011. The last few days, I've been pulling books from the bookshelves and the various book piles throughout the house. Those plus the ones I got for my last birthday come up to 70 books.

Soooooo, I shall be reading 70 books in 2011. It's not so bad though. About a third of them are children's books, which is still one of my favorite types of books to read. To see my list of 70, please click here.

To make my reading quest even more fun, as well as to help motivate me, I shall participate in reading challenges sponsored by reading-loving bloggers. I'll be doing individual posts about the different challenges, tout de suite. Until then, have a listen to Claude Bolling performing "Just One of Those Things." No connection at all to my reading list. I just like the song and Mr. Bolling.


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