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I took this photo of the clouds a few days ago. Like the sky, the events of this week have been simply glorious.

The San Francisco Giants won the World Series. Yep, indeed!

And, no wealthy fat cat was able to buy the governorship in our state. Ha!

It's Skywatch Friday and Follow Friday 40 and Over! for me today. Join me, won't you? Click on the links to check out what other bloggers are posting.


  1. thats really pretty
    I am your newest follower from friday follow 40 and over stop by sometime

  2. I love football! I love basketball! I love soccer! But I had no idea that there was a baseball team called the Giants. Hubs just laughed at me. Oh well, I'm glad they won since I heard they hadn't in over 50 years! Good for them! AND now I know who they are! LOL
    Following you from Over 40! Have a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful photo!! I'm a new follower! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!

  4. Great post title for the photo.

  5. oooowww... I like this one. Don't you love to stand under clouds like that and watch them move. They are usually moving so rapidly it makes your head spin.

  6. Cool pict of the sky! Rain is good when you need it, for sure!

  7. Your clouds are rejoicing for the Giants too! And I love your "fat cat" comment....I am from the Southland.

    Cheers for everyone who won!

  8. Thanks for coming by my blog.
    Your sky is beautiful! I do Sky Watch Friday too. Did you see it?
    Naila Moon

  9. Came back to give you my Sky Watch link. Come by if you wish. :)

    ~Naila Moon

  10. lovely. we could do with some of that sun thats seeping through the clouds over here!

  11. Pam, thank you for becoming a follower. I hope I don't let you down. :-)

    EmptyNester, LOL! I wonder if the Giants are the last one to have such a dry spell.

    LetsMakeaDifference, welcome. Thanks for becoming a follower.

    JJ, thanks!

    Manzi, it seems like only in the last year or so that we've been getting such a show of clouds, too. :-)

    Mary, thanks. We had a wonderful day of rain, yesterday. Whoo-hoo!

    Ebie, Hurrah!Hurrah!

    Naila, thanks. I'll check it out.:-)

    Tina, hope the sun is peeking out for you right now. :-)


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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