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Sunday 160: A Successful Turn

“Pretend that you are a car,”

Lisa said to us three novices.

“Show confidence.”

We four pedaled onto the busy street.

100 feet later, we signaled and turned left.

The Sunday 160 is hosted by the Monkey Man. To learn about it and to read other bloggers' Sunday 160, head over to this page.


  1. I must admit that biking on a busy street scares the daylights out of me, whether I am riding the bike or riding in the car approaching it.

  2. Biking fundamentals...a challenge when you are rusty. Fun 160. Thanks for playing.

  3. ugh. in our college town they made you ride bikes in the street...i was a whole lot more fearless back then and it still scared me. nice 160.

  4. I got to ride bikes next to the ocean a few weeks ago. that was awesome. nice 160!

  5. I still can't seem to convince my kids they need to signal and turn left from the left side of the correct lane. They like to veer across all lanes, giving me a hear attack in the process.

  6. the left signal is easy, i think: a left arm out. the proper right turn signal on a bike, a left arm up, is something i don't do. i just point with my right arm, if i point at all. and hey! you took a photo on a bike! safety first:)

  7. Thanks for dropping by, 160-ers. I appreciate it. :-)

  8. Ed: Wish I had had the talent to take a photo of us as we did a turn. I think 4 "old" ladies trying to turn left was enough of a sight to cause that first car to stop. I did notice several cars behind it. LOL!

  9. heheheh... well, at least you did those 100 feet! I had refused to even start when it was my turn.. and I WAS in a car myself! :)
    Of course, the story has changed now .. (thank god!)

    Really enjoyed your fun 160!

  10. I liked this fun 160!

    a child's play

    And do get aboard the Poetry Train every Monday mornings and thereafter!


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