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PhotoHunt: Orange


This week, the PhotoHunt theme is orange. To see other photos, click here to tnchick's (our host) site.

What Came First:
The Color or The Fruit?


  1. Great choice for the color orange!!

    You can find mine HERE

  2. A very attractive photograph of one of my favorite foods!

  3. Wow, that's a question that I have never pondered. The oranges look delicious, though.

  4. Love oranges, and of course the perfect choice for the theme :)

  5. I think the fruit come first ^_^ Thanks for the visit! Happy Sunday!
    My orange

  6. we get nice oranges Sunkist from America.

  7. Thanks for dropping by, PhotoHunters. I appreciate your comments. :-)

    I finally looked up the origins of the word orange. The word comes the Arabic,"naranj," which is the name of the fruit. Through time, naranj turned into orange. According to Wikipedia, the color came from the fruit. I guess someone said one day, "That's a lovely color. It looks like this orange." Something like that.


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