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Rambling Friday

This morning I woke up with a stuffy nose. The husband stirred beside me. The mama scraped a chair on the floor in the kitchen below. She was either about to eat breakfast or she had finished.

"What time do you think it is?" asked the husband.

"Time to dust the room," I answered.

I got up, picked up my glasses, and headed to the bathroom. As I walked by the stairs, I glanced down at the clock in the living room. 9:30. The mama had slept later than usual. The husband had slept his eight hours. I was lacking again. Oh, well, what does it matter? The three of us have not had to answer to a boss's clock in years. Only our own.

My self-discipline comes and goes. There is so much about which to be disciplined. House cleaning, for one. Writing, for another. Finding writing jobs, a third.  Exercising, most indubitably, a fourth. And then there is downsizing our stuff that has been in storage for years now. The list of what I need to work on keeps growing rather than shortening.

So. That's life.

Today, my goals are to dust and vacuum some or all of the house. Maybe mop the floor. Find out if crows eat sparrows. Learn more about Princess Urduja, a warrior princess (someone else's words, not mine) who lived in the 13th century in the Philippines. Write a short piece about California school nurses. And, try to create a to-do list of things I must do at work so my boss will get off my case.

This morning, before breakfast, I got on Facebook and came across two links to interesting articles and a YouTube video of a delightful song. I thought you might enjoy one, two, or all three of the messages.
"In Defense of Adverbs," by Dina Santorelli, Making 'Baby Grand,' the Novel: The Last Trimester.
"Nothing Grows Forever," by Clive Thompson, Mother Jones.

P.S. I'm hopping around with the Follow Friday 40 and Over! today. Check it out.


  1. I am blog hopping too!!
    I am now following you through
    Follow Friday 40+!!
    Peggy Gorman

  2. haha. that sounds like an very busy day! work, house work and the princess and school nurses??
    i liked the mother jones article. i read a book by derrick jensen, i think is how it's spelled, called the culture of make believe. it had more to do with society than just economics but it was good in that way too.
    hope you're very well:)

  3. I am came over from Follow Friday 40 and over, and am your newest follower, I have been blog hopping to I am just about to get through all the 40 and over blogs whew!!!!

  4. Hi, Peggy and Pam! Thanks for visiting and becoming followers. Blog hopping is such fun. Wish I had a job where all I did was read blogs. :-)

    Hey Ed! It's always nice to "see" you. I have yet to get to the princess research. I'll check out the Jensen book, thanks. :-)

  5. Hey Su-sieee,
    I've been so busy in my back yard I haven't made it around to any blogs this week end. Nice posting and I always enjoy your writing. See Ya later

  6. Manzanita, hello. Thank you. Nothing like hanging out in the back yard. Hope it was all fun. :-)


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