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Showing posts with the label exercise

Day 37 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda and I did another long loop today—over 14 miles in 74 minutes. We went over three bridges. One was short, wooden, and very low to the ground, more like a cattle crossing. Ah, cattle crossing. What a misnomer. A cattle crossing is supposed to keep cows from passing through that point. Onward and upward.

Day 36 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda's and my mantra today was: Traverse, traverse, traverse. Zig-zag up the hill. Because we have a late morning appointment, we did a short ride today. It was invigorating. I averaged an 11.1 mph pace on our 7.77 mile route (I love the redundancy in digits) in 42 minutes. I discovered something today. A bicycle ride can clear up a morning headache. Yaay! Until the next time.

Day 35 with Tilda-Hilda

The other night I dreamt that Tilda-Hilda had two flat tires. I asked the Husband what that could mean. "I don't know," he said. "Maybe it has to do with the car tires we're going to buy." I hope so. Knock on wood that Tilda-Hilda doesn't ever get two flat tires at the same time. Just before I went out the door this morning, the Mama called out to me from her bedroom. I peeked in and told her I was going for a ride. She sat up in bed. "Don't go far," she said. "I won't." The dream. The Mama's warning. A sky that looked like it could rain. Maybe I shouldn't go out, I thought. But, it had been two days since the last ride. And, my appetite has been up lately. So, out the door I went. Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled for 78 minutes, roaming around 14.5 miles, today. No flats. Okay, I didn't pay attention to the Mama. But, I did turn around on one road when I saw a Confederate flag.

Day 34 with Tilda-Hilda

I didn't think I would have a chance to go out riding with Tilda-Hilda this morning. The fog was thick when I woke up. Fortunately, it started breaking up within an hour. So, off we went. It would've been a good day for a long ride, but I told the Husband we were going through the neighborhoods. I had the phone, but I didn't feel like calling. As a compromise with myself, Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled down a road parallel with the last neighborhood. We also took a very short side trip on a road that ended at a winery. That's what's beyond Tilda-Hilda in the photo. Our trip today was nearly 10 miles, which we did in 54 minutes. Happy trails to you.

Day 33 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda and I had an excellent ride this morning, 10 miles in 55 minutes. It resulted in me sweating afterwards for quite awhile. Zap! Zap! Zap! Take that, Fat Cells! Mwaaahhaaa. We're not scared of hills, I'll tell you what, as Hank Hill (of King of the Hill ) might say. We pedaled up a hill, coasted down another, and pedaled right up another one. I don't know about Tilda-Hilda, but I feel like I could face anything. Even the black rat that may be in the backyard (See the previous post ). I saw a cute black kitten scurry quickly around A&W, which made me wonder if the black rat is actually a black kitten. I can only hope. We stopped downtown for a photo in front of the biker's mural that celebrates Hollister as being the "Birthplace of the American Biker". Yes, that's Marlon Brando gazing wistfully at Tilda-Hilda. Did you ever see that movie The Wild One , in which Brando played a supposed rebel of a biker? It was loosely based on a 1947 ou...

Day 32 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda wanted to pose in front of something different this morning, especially since we were going further out. Not orchards. Not barns. Not signs. Cornfields! Our ride today was relatively flat, which meant we pedaled a bit more in about the usual time. Over 12 miles in 64 minutes. Whooo-hooo! Until the next time.

Day 27 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled to and from Tres Pinos again. We rode about 13 miles in 74 minutes. She's posing in front of the Immaculate Conception Church at the southern edge of Tres Pinos. That's where the parents had me baptized when I was a baby. It's a pretty little wooden church that was built in 1892. I'm not a religious person, but I do like the feeling of spirit and community that I get whenever I step inside. I also like looking at the gorgeous stained glass windows. To see photos of the windows and a few of the statues on the grounds, head over to this post at my other blog, Take 25 to Hollister . Tilda-Hilda and I passed by an assortment of roadkill this morning—a very tiny skunk, a ground squirrel, a snake, and a jack rabbit. Poor fellows. May they rest in peace.

Days 25 & 26 with Tilda-Hilda

Yesterday afternoon, the Husband and I pedaled around town to do our errands. It has been awhile since the Husband and his flashy chartreuse bike came out for a ride. They did quite well in the heat and wind. Not including the time for stops and talking with people, we pedaled four-and-a-half miles in 27 minutes. This morning, Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled a bit over 10 miles in 54 minutes. It was a relatively flat ride. That's us (above photo) pedaling back towards town. I wanted to take a photo of us next to a funky sculpture made out of car parts. But, this yappy dog began racing down the driveway as we came to a stop. No way was I going to find out if he was all bark and no bite. Onward and upward.

Day 24 with Tilda-Hilda

I had to talk myself into getting on Tilda-Hilda this morning. I had great excuses. It's too hot. It's too hot. It's too hot.  And, it wasn't yet 7:30 a.m. Tilda-Hilda and I made a breeze for ourselves so it was actually pleasant. Now, stopping. That's a different story. We did a bit over 11 miles today in 64 minutes. Surprisingly, after two days away, I wasn't gasping as much as I pedaled Tilda-Hilda and me up the hills. I think it helped that the Husband and I walked under an umbrella of redwood trees on Sunday. All that wonderful oxygen. Marilyn Monroe's "We're Having a Heat Wave" was going through my head on much of the ride. At one point, Neil Young tried to come through but Marilyn overpowered him. I couldn't figure what he was singing. While looking for a video of Marilyn singing "We're Having a Heat Wave", I came across a rendition by Ella Fitzgerald. I like it far more.

Day 23 with Tilda-Hilda

The butterflies cheered Tilda-Hilda and me on as we slooooooowly pedaled up the long inclines. They flitted alongside us, weaving among the wild mustard flowers on the side of the road. A couple of the crazy butterflies played chicken with us, flying at us and swerving away at the last second. At one point, two ground squirrels popped in front of Tilda-Hilda and me, and ran, ran, ran. "Hurry up, hurry up," I called, nearly catching up with them. A vehicle passed Tilda-Hilda and me. The squirrels dived into the brush. An old guy (probably a bit younger than me) was taking photos of birds in a faraway tree with a camera with a humongous lens. I stopped to talk to him, thinking he was one of the photographers who posted their amazing photos at a Facebook group I pop in now and then. As we chatted, a woman in a red SUV pulled up beside us. "There's a wonderful picture around the curve to take. A deer is sitting beneath a bush. It's so cute." "Tha...

Day 22 with Tilda-Hilda

Today's outing was more of Tilda-Hilda sitting around and waiting for me downtown. She hung out in front of a coffee shop while I was at a meeting. When that was done, we tootled around town so I could take photos here and there. All told, we were out about two hours.  Discounting the time for the meeting and picture taking, Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled about 4 miles in 20 minutes. I don't know about Tilda-Hilda, but I broke into a sweat.

Day 21 with Tilda-Hilda

The hot dog, four 4-ounce samples of different craft beer, garlic fries, grilled sirloin tips, and gooey chocolate cake with ice cream that I consumed late yesterday afternoon was my inspiration to sweat off some calories this morning. I pedaled Tilda-Hilda nearly 13 1/2 miles in 75 minutes. That's the longest we've traveled in both miles and minutes. Whooo-hooo! Yesterday was the Husband's and my 23rd-of-the-month date. Thus, all the food. We shared everything but the hot dog and beer. The hot dogs we ate as we watched Spy , starring Melissa McCarthy, and the rest of the food we had after the movie. Spy , by the way, is a very funny and wonderful movie. I like to think that I would be McCarthy's character if I was a spy. All sweet and helpful, but a bad-ass, as in don't you dare get in my way when I need to get something done now! Onward and upward.

Day 19 with Tilda-Hilda

I woke up this morning thinking it was late only to find out that I'd waken up early. The bright light filtering through the side of the curtains faked me out. Just as well. We don't have a clock in the bedroom. So, I use the outside sounds as my gauge to the time. The other morning the early bird started chirping around 4 a.m. How did I know that? Because I went to the bathroom and before heading back to the bedroom, I popped into the office to stick my face right up at the digital clock on the radio. I could have put my glasses on to look down the stairs at the clock hanging in the living room. But, then I'd have had to turn on the light. No, thank you. Too bright. I wanted to fall back to sleep. And, I did to the pleasant song of the early bird. So, today, Tilda-Hilda and I zigzagged through the neighborhoods for a nearly 11 and-a-half mile ride. One hour and five minutes, thank you kindly. Forward, onward, and upward.

Day 18 with Tilda-Hilda

Tilda-Hilda took off later than usual this morning, because I was debating whether to take today as my rest day. I almost talked myself into skipping, but then I reasoned I would be rushing tomorrow as the Husband and I are going to see the air show at the airport. Hence, patient Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled off for a short ride. So, I thought. Maybe if I didn't want to go up this hill (the one in the photo), it would've been a sweet, short, not-so-hard ride. But, then, no hard work, no healthy gain for me. Chug, chug, chug. I'm not a pretty pedaler going up hills. I gasp. I growl. I spit. I looked up at one point and saw a woman biker also pedaling a cruiser going down the other way. "Hello," I said. No response. She kinda had a disgusted look on her face. Oh-oh. She must've seen me spit. Oh well, as the Husband says, better out than in. Anyway, we had another delightful work-out. Tilda-Hilda and I went about 9 miles in 49 minutes. By the way, I actually ...

Day 17 with Tilda-Hilda

Today, Tilda-Hilda and I reached one of our mileposts (lamp posts?). No, milestone. We pedaled to Tres Pinos and back. Our loop was about 12 1/2 miles, which we did in 71 minutes. From the photo, the downtown area looks like it's far away, but it's only a few 100 yards from the sign. For a tiny downtown, it has four of the best restaurants in the area. If you're interested in knowing more about Tres Pinos, check out my post at Take 25 to Hollister . Two things to note about this ride was that I pulled 10 goat heads out of Tilda-Hilda's tires and we came across a partially decomposed deer carcass. Shudder.

Day 16 with Tilda-Hilda

Don't you just hate it when the thing you wanted to tell someone slipped deep into the recess of your mind? Maybe it'll come back to the top. Maybe not. Which makes me wonder, how deep are our minds that a forgotten thought gets lost. Anyway, we'll never know what it is I wanted to write about from Tilda-Hilda's and my ride this morning. Oh, well. Cool station wagon, don't you think? It reminds me of the station wagon we had for a short while when I was kid. Our was beige with a tan top. I like station wagons even more than pick-up trucks. The last car I owned as a single woman was a used white Volvo station wagon. That was fun to drive.  Today, Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled nine miles in 49 minutes. I was going to say 9 minutes per mile, but then that would make 81 minutes. My arithmetic skills are truly getting bad. But, I won't get into that. Instead, enjoy the bicycle song and video that Widdershins of Widdershins Worlds suggested the other day when I me...

Day 15 with Tilda-Hilda

This morning, Tilda-Hilda and I came across modern cowboys building fences. Instead of wooden posts, they used steel posts. They dug the holes with a big drilling machine. No back-breaking digging for them. More than likely, they'll put up wire fencing between the posts rather than three parallel lines of barbed wire. I notice that a lot more fencing is going up around fields in the area. I suppose it's to keep out the wild animals and humans.  There have been two or three fields that the Husband and I used to bike through that now have fences. Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled a 9 1/2 mile loop in 53 minutes, much of it uphill. As the saying goes, what goes up, must come down. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . . .

Day 13 with Tilda-Hilda

This morning Tilda-Hilda and I chased after the fog, but it rolled? flew? floated? faster than we could pedal. You can see some of the fog breaking over the low hills. It's heading back towards the Pacific Ocean, about 40 minutes away. That is, if it rides in a car. Can you imagine a bank of fog squeezed inside a car, say an oldie VW bug? We rode about 10 miles in 55 minutes. I counted 15 hills. Some were slight and long. Some were very short, but steep. And others were in between. We definitely got a good workout. For me, pedaling Tilda-Hilda out and about is better than a stationary bicycle. I pedaled one a couple months ago when I won a free weekly pass to a local gym. It was totally not my style, the stationary bike or the gym.  I tried nearly everything the gym had to offer—the treadmill, the row machine, the scary weight machines, boot camp, and zumba. The trainers and teachers were young sweethearts. They realized I was older and out-of-shape than I did. I enjoyed the...

Day 12 with Tilda-Hilda

This morning, Tilda-Hilda and I pedaled about 10 miles in 58 minutes. I'm two pounds lighter, too. Tilda-Hilda must be happy about that. Our photo opp today was at St. Benedict Catholic Church. The song going through my head on the ride was the first verse and chorus of Lady Marmalade. Enjoy Patti Labelle's version from 1975.

Day 10 with Tilda-Hilda

Thinking about eating a peanut butter and chipotle spread sandwich for breakfast is what inspired me to keep pedaling up the steepest part of my ride this morning. Today was about a 9-mile ride in 53 minutes. We stopped in front of some plastic tunnels for Tilda-Hilda's photo. Every year, more farms in the area are using these tunnels for growing their crops. By the way, the sandwich was delicious.