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Embracing Joy

My words found sound today, day 5 of my new left knee replacement adventure. Ouch! The first thing I saw when I was rolled into the operating room was a full set of hand drills. Wowza, to say the least. That’s for another day of story. 

Today I’m joining in with the Friday Writings fun hosted by Poets and Storytellers United. The prompt is all about repetition. I’m trying my hand with a Blitz poem format created by Robert Keim. Enjoy!

Roll for Many
by Su-sieee! Mac

Rock of ages
Rock and roll
Roll on by
Roll with me
Me fa so la doe
Me no go
Go lightly
Go gently
Gently be mine
Gently live
Live lively
Live sweetly
Sweetly go I
Sweetly go you
You my sweet dude
You my always
Always and forever
Always will be you and I
I laugh at ants
I fly in joy
Joy joy joy
Joy we sang
Sang sung and sing
Sang over hills and hills
Hills of joy and love
Hills so very green
Green lands of green
Green lands of joy
Joy joy joy
Joy I sing for you
You I love
You inside my heart
Heart to heart
Heart of the Earth
Earth hear our cry
Earth love you we do
Do be ours
Do be mine
Mine forever
Mine of loves
Loves where we are
Loves we want
Want far and wide
Want through the Universe
Universe lights beyond dark
Universe among many
Many of Joys
Many of forever


Please be sure to visit Friday Writings.  Cheers, One and All!  ðŸ™ƒ


  1. Oh, lovely. It is indeed full of joy, in its words and the way it moves along so liltingly. And you obviously enjoyed creating it!

    1. I did, I did, Rosemary. I felt like I was singing from the top of a mountain, maybe like Julie Andrews in Sound of Music. 🙃

  2. Glad to hear the surgery went well.

    1. Better than I expected. So far I haven’t needed the big drugs to work through the pain. Doughnuts work quite well.

  3. Love your blitz poem, Su-sieee! Mac! Uplifting and lighthearted. I send you healing wishes for your knee and hope you'll be back on your feet sooner than you hope :-)

    1. Thank you, Sunra! I’m tootling my walker along, toot, toot.

  4. Love your touch of fun today. Thank you! :)

  5. That made me smile! Enjoy your holiday.

    1. I like hearing that, Linda. Happy holiday cheers!

  6. Love the poem which is sweet and joyful which is what we need. I'm glad you got through the operation aok. Now comes the recovery but you can do it with your hubby and Miss Molly by your side

    1. Thank you, Birgit. Recovery is not a horror as I thought it would be. That’s me, think of the worse and when it doesn’t happen, yipppieee! The Husband has been amazing. He’s getting stronger by the day taking up the slack along with caring for me. Missy Molly is with us in Spirit for sure.

  7. Su-sieeemac! So many posts this week are about joy, and I love it! Your poem is fascinating - a very effective use of repetition! Wishing you much joy, peace and hope in 2023!


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