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Junie B. Jones

The prompt for Friday Writings , at Poets and Storytellers United, 
was inspiration from beloved books. 

Junie B. Jones was a character, and series,  created by the late Barbara Park, a children’s book author. Readers were introduced to this lively, rambunctious, imaginative, creative, delightful going-on-six kindergartner in 1992. Before Ms. Parks’ spirit soared into the Universe, she had written 32 Junie B. Jones adventures. I learned today that the series was on the American Library Association’s list of 100 banned and challenged books throughout the 20-oughts because Junie B. spoke like a regular kid with bad grammar and spelling. Bah, humbug.

(Update: Thanks to Magaly, I double-checked myself and found I misunderstood. The ALA does not ban books, but creates lists of books that people ban to keep us, the public, informed. So, I take that back. I am not all disappointed with the ALA. My mother-in-law’s spirit is most likely relieved.)

I was in my 40s when I came across Junie B. Jones. Her aliveness woke up in me what the Husband calls moxie. Seize the day and all that!

Favorite Characters

Junie B. Jones


Anne Shirley


Jo March


Elizabeth Bennett


Miss Helma Zukas


Hester Latterly


Jane Eyre


Mary Russell




What literary characters have inspired you? To check out what other writers have to say, head over to Friday Writings 


  1. I wonder how I could have never heard about her. I draw a blank on who inspired me as a kid as far as literary characters but for real life characters I might say Annie Oakley! Nice structure for this interesting poetic musing.

    1. Thanks, Colleen. I’m not used to writing poems again, but then I didn’t know what I was doing back then either.

  2. Oh, thank you! I too shall have to discover Junie now that you've introduced her. Also Hester, Helma and Mary.

    1. Cool! Hester is of Ann Perry’s Monk series, Helma, of Jo Dereske’s Miss Zukas series, and Mary of Laurie R. King’s Mary Russell series.

  3. I loved reading Junie B to my Darling Youngest when he was little. LOL, the best part was coming up with voices for all the children.

  4. That name sounds familiar, but alas it came out after my childhood. I'll have to see if I can take a gander at it someday.

  5. Am also in the club of never heard of Junie B..or Hester and Helma.. Think at that age we were inundated with Enid Blyton books here. But I love how you've lined up the different women characters and identified yourself with them... I think we've all imbibed a little something from most of those!

  6. It was interesting to read about. Yes ... it was a new Information. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a wonderful week, Su-sieee 😘

  7. I had a friend by that name though I have lost contact with her I still hold our memories dear. Nice to know a character by that name .

    1. With a name like Junie B., your friend would no doubt be a wonderful person.

  8. I love this. It makes me want to go through all those characters I've loved (or not *cough*), and figure out how they are me.

    P.S. I don't think the ALA bans books. I'm almost sure that they are against it. What they do is list books banned by other organizations (often religious groups).

    1. Magaly, I went back to check what I read and I got it wrong. You are correct. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂


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