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We have no napkins. And, friends are coming over this afternoon for a Fijian themed meal. 

The Husband suggested we use paper towels. No, I said, besides we don’t have any. I have time to sew napkins. That was yesterday morning.

By the time evening came, my body was too beat to do anything more. I’d spent the day prepping and cooking most of the dishes and cleaning up after myself. It was a satisfying day. The Fijian curry chicken reminded me of Mama’s adobo chicken in her later years. She said she used tomato sauce. I didn’t believe her until today when I saw how two huge juicy tomatoes combined with onions, garlic, and spices created a rich red gravy. This, I apologize, only makes sense to me. 

Back to the napkins. Last night I brought up the subject again to the Husband. I could call one of the friends to bring napkins. Do that, said the Husband. Then I thought if she doesn’t have napkins she’d have to stop at the store. How inconvenient. “We can use paper towels,” I said. 

 “That’s what I said this morning,” said the Husband. “You said there aren’t any.”

“I saw some in the closet.” 

He didn’t roll his eyes, at least not that I saw. “You know this is the process I have to go through  to do something I don’t want to do.” 

“In other words, until you decide it’s fine with you.”

Yup. Gotta love me. 


  1. If you fold the paper towels, you can make them kind of look like napkins. Besides, the food is the most important part anyway :)

  2. Good food and good company beat paper napkins any day. :) . . . I hope the feast was a smashing success!

    1. It was a fun afternoon! We all groaned from fullness, wiping our mouths with cool looking paper napkins. :-)

  3. Hope the napkins situation got all figured out. And I hope you had a nice visit with your friends, and good food too. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika


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