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A Tuesday Hullo

This cheery threesome showed up this morning. They brought pens, crayons, pencils, and water color paints to try out.  :-)

A Happy Tuesday to you. 


  1. Replies
    1. Okay, then. I’m bringing them out when you visit, Kepola Deb.

  2. Lovely Susieee
    Please join me on Fridays and link to art for fun


  3. ...I hope that all of your days are happy and colorful.

  4. I was gifted a set of brush pens and have been trying to get up the courage to learn to use them. I hope they don'/t dry out before I get up the ambition/courage.....maybe if I could learn to think of them as crayons .....

    1. Definitely think of them as crayons, Sallie. I know what you mean about taking the leap. I’m nervous every time I’m about to do something artsy or craftsy.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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