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Hello World!

Happy Rosehips

Hope all's well with each and every one of you. 

It's nice to see you all again.  I've been in my cave figuring and writing serious stuff the past several weeks. I'm happy to say  I successfully made my deadline and I can rest easy for awhile. Now to turn to some things, including this blog. I'll be posting now and them, but not joining any of the usual cool linky parties for awhile. I'll do my best to visit though. 

The next two weeks I'm putting my ducks in order (quack, quack) around the house so I can enjoy recovering from my cataract surgery. That's right, I'm finally getting my other eye done. Primary Doc convinced me it's safe to have the procedure done, and if, by surgery date, things have changed, it'll simply be postponed. Nothing lost. I look forward to seeing out of two eyes at the same time. 

Until later.


  1. Hello,
    Take care and I hope and pray all goes well for your eye surgery. I hope you are also safe from the fires. Have a happy day and great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. We're not near any of the fires, thankfully, but, like everyone else in California, we're feeling the affects of the smoke and poor air quality. We're staying positive.

  2. Good luck on your surgery. Here's to clear sight.

  3. Love the Happy Rosehips :) Fingers crossed that your eye surgery goes okay and you are also still safe from fires.

    1. Thanks, Eunice! Other than the poor air quality, our county is fortunate not to have fires knocking at our door.

  4. There you are! :) . . . there's nothing like a neat row of ducks is there? :)

  5. Good luck with the surgery. I'm sure now's a good time to get it done.

    1. I've become one of those kids who don't read instructions. Fortunate for me, I happened to look in the folder the doctor gave me the other day and saw a piece of paper that said I had to pre-register at the surgery center. I'm ready to go, well, after I clean the bathroom.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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