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Do you remember a 1940s cartoon in which a slick wolf sitting in a nightclub starts howling and making big eyes at a sultry femme fatale voice singing stage right? No, then check this youtube link and come back, please.

Back, good. We can proceed.

That wolf was me when I laid first glance at the decoupage rocks in the sunlight. Whoaaaaa!

These are my first experiments decoupaging rocks. Yup, they are. (Imagine my big smile!) A decoupage rock is one of my planned entries for the county fair in a few weeks. Maybe one of these if I don't get a chance to play with more possibilities.

Easy-peasy: Paint one side of rocks white. Dry. Paint other side of rocks white. Dry. Tear pictures to fit rocks to your pleasure. Glue pictures to rocks with decoupage medium.  Dry.

At first I wanted to use pretty paper napkins for my pictures. I got excited about shopping at the party supply store. Then I recalled the last time I was there. The aisles were messy and little kids talked loudly while their parents ignored them. Shudder.

Fortunate for me, the Husband and I own a houseful of crumbling ephemera and books. The rabbit drawing came from a late 1940s magazine article while the two illustrations were from a Horace Mann primer.

The decoupage rocks are knockouts! Thank you very much.  :-)

It's the letter K at ABC Wednesday. Come along and check out the other bloggers with me.


  1. I've seen that wolf cartoon parodied more times than I could count.

  2. Love the wolf cartoon and I think it’s from a cartoon featuring many famous stars. I just can’t remember which female star walked in. I love your rocks and they look so great with these images on them.. you will do great with the. And I can see them in your mama’s garden.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I'm already thinking about when I can get down to the river and look for perfectly imperfect rocks.

  3. Hello, I loved the cartoon. Your decoupage rocks are beautiful. When we lived in Lakeland I was always looking for the painted rocks, they were fun to find. I would leave them for the kiddies to find. Have a happy day and week ahead. Thanks for the comment and visit.

    1. Thanks, Eileen. I've recently learned about people hiding rocks for others to find. That would be fun to do.

  4. Replies
    1. Cool, Lee Anna! This may be one of my wares as a street artist yet!

  5. That's crazy! But they never show the singer. I'm glad you showed your painted rocks. Your craftiness reminds me of my late sister, late as in lost in 2015. She painted rocks too, among other things.

    1. Anyone who paints rocks is trés cool in my book, Colleen. :-)

  6. Replies
    1. I bet there's a song about pretty rocks. If not, I can make one up to the tune of Pretty Woman.

  7. Those are really great. What a great idea.

  8. These are gorgeous! They should sell very well.

  9. In imagination everything is possible

    Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    M e l o d y (team ABC-W)

  10. Those rocks really rock! (See, I did come back after watching the wolf and a few subsequent uninvited You-Tubes)

  11. These are gorgeous! I showed them to my hubby! I find a painted rock from time to time when I hike and always photograph it and leave it for someone else to find. If I found one of these, I would want to KEEP it! WOW!


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