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Today's Random XIII

That apricot tree grew from a seed that Mama ate and planted, which came from her Blenheim apricot tree. That makes this a second generation tree, but not necessarily a Blenheim according to some experts. The apricots are delicious, Blenheim or not.

I can forget something I thought of minutes ago because I climbed upstairs to the office so I could plop it into the computer. Where are pen and paper when I need them?

Two Sundays ago we stayed overnight in a faraway place and it wasn't because one of us had to have surgery. Hurrah! That's what our last few overnighters had been. Not two Sundays ago. We drove straight across the state to Shaver Lake in the Central Sierra Nevadas. A lot of driving that we weren't used to, but it was well worth it.

How fun it was to zig and zag, to go down a road with matured abandon (mature abandonment? oxymoron phrases, both?).
Left, right, right, right, left. . .too late. oh well,  turn right, this road runs parallel. Turn right at 35 road. . . .

No GPS. No smart phone. We put our trust in a road map.
I love maps. The possibilities of places to see. I'm never too old to have new dreams that can come true.

"Hello," the Husband said into the phone receiver. Several seconds later, he heard, "Hi Grampa!"
"Who is this?"
"It's me."
"Look, pal, I'm not a grandpa. Who are you?"
Dratty grandparent phone scams.

I love living with the Husband. The other day he let me climb the ladder first and pick the apricots up high because he knows how much I like to climb ladders. The sweet guy held onto the ladder, too. Not too many apricots dropped on him.

I wonder if anyone has ever looked at the Husband and me and thought "Who takes care of who"? Snort. Snicker. Belly laugh.


Nine got here pretty quickly. I still can't recall the thought I wanted to "write" into the computer. See ii for reference, if you forgot, which is quite easy. I ought to know.

 Molly the Sweet Cat says, "Purrrrrrrrrr"

I love living with Missy Girl even with those silly summer fleas that think she's the cat's meow. Poor baby. She gets them from hanging in the backyard almost all day.  Fleas love me too. It's not summer unless I get flea bites, and I tell you I'm having a really good summer. This morning I combed only a couple out of her fur. It's possible we got them under control for now.

"Internal cancer?" Asked I of the Husband, looking up from the dermatologist's questionnaire. "What does that mean?"
"Cancer inside of you."
"Did I have internal cancer?"
"You didn't know you had cancer until they pulled it out."
"If I didn't know, does that mean that I didn't have cancer?"
"The forest or the trees?"
I checked the box on the form.


Oh my gosh, I couldn't find the letter from the IRS that said I needed to send them a missing tax form. Maybe 25 minutes, more or less, the letter showed itself. Just dropped out of the sky. Thank you very much up there.


This pile of two-inch (thereabouts) strips of different fabric will soon turn into a raggedy curtain in Molly's space of the living room. The Husband decided on the color palette and we went through my treasure fabric trove and pulled out what you see. I can hardly wait.

Today I'm linking up at Thursday 13 and LA Paylor's (Not Afraid of Color) I Like Thursdays. Come along with me, why don't you, and check out the other bloggers.


  1. you are a treat. Thank goodness you write a blog so I can know you. Home grown apricots? wow. They look great.
    we take care of each other here too.

    1. Takes one to know another treat, LeeAnna. :-) This has been a bountiful year with the fruit trees. We can thank the winter rains for that. Whoo-hooo1

  2. I am interested in seeing what that pile of fabric turns into. Looks fascinating. I saw the dermatologist today but they didn't give me a questionnaire. I was kind of disappointed.

    1. I was thinking we'd do it yesterday but, as always, a must-do needed to get done pronto, which I finally did this morning. Now I've created a big mess in the living room while for the tape dispenser. lol

  3. I envy you that you have that peach ....😂😭😂😭😂😭😂😭
    .. My cat's mother looked exactly like your cat!
    Great post!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks, Ella. Molly Missy is part Maine Coon, torbie, and tabby. She's such a sweetie.

  4. I'm not a fan of GPS just because the digital maps never show as much as the paper kind. I wish I could have a map that would expand like a digital, but had the density of paper.

    1. I could go for a map like that, too. It reminds me Harry Potter's map of the school.

  5. The apricots looks so delicious, whatever they might be. The only apricots we get here are at the store after having been carried north in refrigerated trucks or dried and they do not tell us what type they are. Off the tree must be so warm and juicy. Enjoy! Molly is beautiful. It most be hard to find the fleas hiding in that long fur. Our kitties are all indoor kitties these days, so no flea bites unless one crawls its way into our cellar and onto a cat and then onto me. I used to love driving with maps. I was always the navigator. Now the navigator speaks to my husband in a disembodied voice and sometimes takes an odd route. and I end up looking up a map on my phone and saying turn here and the disembodied voice tells us we are "off-route" but we get there my way anyway. I was thinking I could never come up with 13 things for Thursday and have just showed how long winded I am. One more ... the fabric strips look interesting. Looking forward to seeing what you sew ... :-) Pat

    1. Hi, Pat, Blenheim apricots are on the tangy side with thin skins so they don't do well in transport. I read that this type is on a fruit endangered list, so we're mighty lucky. Our county was full of these apricot orchards when I was a kid. There are 2 or 3 old-time farmers that still grow them.
      Between Molly and me, we're doing a good job finding the fleas. She must know I help her because she somewhat sits still when I comb her. She must also know how the fleas love me because she has been snuggling next to the Husband on the couch rather than me at night.

  6. LOL at husband under the apricot tree. He deserves a lot of the harvest. Love your stream of consciousness. Did you ever remember?

    1. Still hasn't come back to me. Bet it was a good thought, too. Such is life.

  7. I can't wait to see the curtain when it's finished. Don't you hate forgetting that one thing... I try backtracking to see if I can remember what it was. It only works some of the time.

    1. On serious things, such as misplaced keys, I let my intuition kick in. That only works if I don't panic.

  8. I don't think I've tried an apricot.

    1. I think the fresh apricots, especially non-organic ones, sold in the store are bland.

  9. Yum apricots, and road trips just wandering and discovering are awesome. LOL Go to do something and forget after 5 steps. Oh and I spent 2 hours looking for my tax bill. Finally just paid it online. Um I found it (the bill) under the iron on the ironing board later.

    1. Under the ironing board! Love it. Nice to know I'm in good company. :-)

  10. What an interesting and delightful post! I am excited to see the end result of those strips of fabric. Love that photo of Missy Girl. What a gorgeous kitty!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Maybe by next week we'll have a "first draft" of the curtain. :-)

  11. I love paper maps too. There's nothing that says'adventure' like a nice crinkly map. GPS's don't have any 'romance of the open road' to them. Not that they're not useful, they're just not the same . . . and them's wot are half our age would probably disagree! :)

    1. Crinkle, crinkle. The Husband never ceases to amaze me. He folded the map we were using on our last trip a certain way so all I, the navigator, had to do was flip the map over once without folding and refolding to find something before we went by it. I didn't come to liking maps until I was in my 20s, nor knowing that I have pretty decent map-reading skills.

  12. I had something to say about all 13 things. Except now. (See #2)......I’ll just say that every one resonated with me and you brought smiles. Thanks for all 13!

  13. This made me smile!! Great to see Miss Molly again. I can't eat apricots, but they do look very delicious. I love my good old fashioned roadmaps and I won't leave home without one. Just can't trust the GPS, AND you never find fun places by following the GPS :)


  14. What a delightful post- I miss those beautiful home grown apricots from when I was younger. You and your hubby have a great sense of humor. mary


    Bet the apricot taste extra nice.


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