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Time for Mosaic Monday

In about 15 minutes, a public community TV station will broadcast live our city council meeting. I don't want to miss the broadcast because a lot of feathers ought to be flying at some point of the meeting. One of major issues is back on the table to discuss: An appeal to stop the construction of  a building for condos and retail stores, as well as a building for the local community foundation on  a block in downtown Hollister that has been vacant since the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. That's all I'll say so I can get my tortilla chips and lemonade before the meeting starts.

I''ve created two photo collages for Mosaic Monday, a meme hosted by Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. The light switch covers I painted in May are the subject of the top photo collage while the faces in rocks off the side of highway make up this second collage. For the latter's inspiration check out the highway wall photo (last one) in yesterday's post.

Click here to check out Mosaic Monday.


  1. Su-sieee mac - love the light switches. They are YOU. But, the rock faces - this is a perfect example of how I lack "imagination". Maybe I see one face? And you're killing me with the tantalizing intro to the council meeting - do tell how it turned out! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday when you were under such a time constraint!

    1. The rock faces collage isn't the best balance of contrast and bright. It would've been better if I had fixed that in the individual photos.
      The council meeting was still going strong when I stood up from the TV at 12:30. The issue I was interested in was settled by 9:30. Unless the mayor changes his mind, he'll be suing the City for it deciding to go ahead with the construction next to the building he owns. We have our own little trump.

  2. Love your light switches. Very inventive and makes me think of the impressionists. Those rocks are so cool and makes me think of a Star Trek episode.

    1. Impressionism came to my mind, too. The middle ones also reminded me of marbled paper. The paints I use don't blend so I swirl them together..

  3. Nobody typically cares about city council meetings here.

    1. I think the majority don't care here, too. Most like to complain on Facebook about the increasing traffic, bad roads, fast-paced construction, and no box stores. Ugh.

  4. Light fixtures --yes---rock faces interesting!

  5. I love how you make your entire house your canvas :) ... benefits of ownership. :)

    1. Yup, there is that, ownership. The woes of the people who will own this house after us. lol

    2. That is a great idea for light switch plates.

  6. ...sounds like food and drink are important! Enjoy.

  7. Hey Molly, don't say you heard it from me but one of your humans has been using the "d" word. The big, drooling, water loving, high energy, thinks cats are really fun scratchy toys, shedding kind.

    1. Miao, miao. I don't know why Missus Lady and Hero Man think I'm a cat. Miao-rff.

  8. Hello Susie, the light switches are lovely. You are creative. I do see one face in the rocks.
    Love the mosaics. Wishing you a happy day!

  9. I love those light covers! Mine are all boring tan. What a great, creative way to decorate!


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