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"Joy, joy, joy." is one of the things that Cu'Pie, our once-upon-a-time dear yellow parakeet, liked to say. Frequently. A wonderful thing to say, I say. And, I wish much joy, joy, joy to you all!

I first saw the above joyful sight of a hillside on Thanksgiving Day. It caught my breath in such a way that I made Eliza Does-alot do a wicked swerve onto the road to which I turned that nearly all of the fried lumpia fell from the back seat onto the floor. Fortunately, most fell onto folders and envelopes so none of Filipino eggrolls were tainted. Thank goodness. They were our contribution to a dinner.

A couple of weeks later I took the above shot that I painted today with Photoshop art filters. That day I made a somewhat gentle right turn, but came to a halting stop, in the grey rental car, which the Husband and I named Sedgwick. No lumpia sat on the back seat, but Good Friends J & T were. They, the Husband, and I quickly unbuckled our seat belts and tumbled out of Sedgwick.

Click, click, click went a camera, a phone, and an iPad. The Husband simply took in the beauty with his eyes.

Like joyful kids that we young old fogeys are, J & I got the guys to pose their shadows for us.

A Joyful 2019 to One and All!
Here are the memes where I'm hanging my hat today.  Thank you Jesh, host of All Seasons, and Angie, host of Mosaic Monday.


  1. Happy New Year!! I have been sick and am trying to come back from the dead. I love what you did with the first photo...reminds me of a Van Gogh painting. I also smiled at the other photos and am glad no food was hurt

    1. Cheers, Birgit! Hope you're feeling much, much, MUCH better today. Me, too, about the food. Rolling lumpia is not an easy feat for me, unlike others I know who can do it with a wiggle of their nose or a snap of their finger. Van Gogh, huh? Thanks!

  2. Joy, joy, joy right back to you since you give so much to us. I always find a chuckle in your posts - this time, I could just imagine that food swooshing around the back seat as you executed your swerve. And the shadow shots - just confirms what I already knew - you and your friends are crazy fun peeps! Happy New Year, and thanks for popping some joy onto Mosaic Monday this week!

    1. Grand, Angie! I like to know my words pop out smiles from readers. :-)

  3. Happy first MosaicMonday in 2019...

    ...Hope for springtime! Wish you a very good New Year with health and lucky moments.

  4. Joy to you too! Hey, that shadow dancing looks like fun!

    1. You and your Kitty friends would enjoy it, Brian. :-)

  5. ...I love my shadow, I look so much thinner!

  6. Fun shadow mosaic, Susie! Love your joy joy joy theme. Reminds me of that Sunday School song, I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart....

    1. That song is on top of my list of songs. I actually had it sung as the going-out-of-the-church tune at the Mama's funeral.

  7. I love the shadow cute is that! I'm happy to be singing joy joy joy now too!

  8. Nice shadow shots. Happy happy New Year


  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Adam. May we all have good health, joy, peace, and love.

  10. There's also an app that'll do that to pictures. I think it was called Canva? No, I think it was Prisma? Very cool.

    1. I know which you mean., but I don't recall the name. A friend uses the app quite well. I don't know why I don't get it.

  11. It looks like you all had a lot of fun! :D . . . the painting looks rather Van Gogh-ish, nicely done. :)

    1. Thanks, Widders. You and Birgit are on the same wave-length. Our shadow photos was at the beginning of our hours-long crazy jaunt through the local hills.

  12. Happy New Year! Sedgewick is a great name for a car. Great job on the painting and what fun to play with shadows. Let's stay playful for as long as possible!

    1. Thanks, Lorrie! Last week, the rental let us use a silver Honda, which we named Carlotta. She was okay. We hope that we'll get Sedgewick again.

  13. I always enjoy my little jaunts with you - great shadows!

  14. Excellent shadow poses. Why are you renting a car, is Liza under the weather? The lumpia sound delicious, lucky folders and envelopes. The ones with the creepy fingers is scary, a little Slenderman thing going on there.

    1. My birthday present was renting a car for a whole week so that we could drive afar with no worries. Eliza is too old to drive up mountain roads or in stop-and-go freeway traffic or for after-sunset hours. Sedgwick was a wonderful Izuzu to drive. I hope we come across him again.

    2. I love that you named a rental car.

  15. Hope your life is filled with Joy, Joy, Joy! Smart bird! Wishing you a fantastic 2019!


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