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A Fair Tooting of Ribbons


I came home with first, second, third, fourth, and honorable mention ribbons for my entries in our county fair this weekend.


"The Train Thistle" is what I call my dry floral arrangement for the category San Benito Hidden Beauty, in which participants must use dry vegetation native to our county. I picked thistles.

I entered three dry arrangements and three fresh ones. 

I entered one of the Mama's geraniums. I can imagine the Mama's spirit smiling as well as tsking as to why didn't she get a blue ribbon.

My painted gourd for the garden art category got honorable mention. That was nice of the judges to give me a place, because there were only four of us participating.

Each year fewer adults take part in the various baking, canning, crafts, floriculture, fine arts, sewing, and quilting divisions. That's too bad.

When I brought in my flower arrangements, one of women in charge commented on me having the most entries. Six. "Good for you," she said. "We have to keep the fair going." I would love to see more participation, even if it means less ribbons for me. :-)

Besides garden art and flower arrangements, I entered a photograph in the photo art, animals, and people classes. In the photo art class, you take a photo and manipulate it in Photoshop. Thistles, again!



Sunday's link is All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh of The Jesh Studio. Click here to check out her blog. For this week's participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Wow! Wow! Wow! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, G! If you have a county fair, I hope you'll consider participating. I find it fun and satisfying to the soul.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Adam! We went to pick up the entries today and got surprised with a $10 check, a $10 coffee card, and a coupon for a cupcake. That's a delightful unexpected haul.

  3. Good on you girl!! And thanks for keeping the tradition going. i went to our County Fair this year for the first time in ages and was disappointed at the lack of entries. They moved it back to mid-July when it used to be the end of August. there isn't much growing in the way of produce here that early. A lady at one of the Grange booths told me that the Fair Board said the carnival and booths could make more money earlier in the summer, so that's why they moved it. She said they should call it the 'Lane County Carnival".

    1. Nooooo! A carnival is not a county fair. Maybe you'll consider entering something next year. There were fewer entries all around, including the 4-H and FFA animals. I'm hoping that with the increase in developments, the new residents will want to participate.

  4. Congrats! We have that here in rural VA too, county fair.

  5. Well done, my friend. Hubby and I have often talked about entering some baked goods into competition at the Fair, but that's all it's been - talk. Maybe your wins ('cause I am a teensy bit competitive) will propel me to turn talk into action … next year!

    1. Thanks, Angie! Do it, do it, you and hubby. Except for the last 2 years, I've been entering something since 2005 or 2006. My objective back then was to win a blue ribbon in photography. It took about 10 years. This year, I had no objective other than to enter.

  6. what a varied asst of art! Good job you! I like flower arranging and the gourd is great!!

    1. Thanks, LA! I'm thinking for next year I'll spread myself thinner and add more categories to try. :-)

  7. Congrats. It seems like we get plenty of entries in the Orange County fair. I wonder why.


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